Thursday, July 26, 2018

Whose house?
Very Fake News CNN's shifting perspectives 

Appearing recently on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to discuss the White House ejection of CNN reporter Kaitlan CollinsSen. Richard Blumental (D-CT) feigned outrage: "I am shocked and angry, deeply offended," he said. Listless, robotic delivery belied his claimed emotion.

"It is public property," the Stolen Valor limousine grifter continued, softly. "It is not Donald Trump's personal home or place of business."

The somnambulistic Blitzer murmured assent. "I'm obviously pretty angry about it," he faintly monotoned. 

Reporters covering the White House typically shout questions at the conclusion of photo ops. And their questions aren't always relevant to the event. The Trump White House singled Collins out for especial sanction. Better, I say, to simply ignore her as one would a skittish terrier jumping at a screen door. 

Of course, Trump's action may not be based solely on Collins' unladylike pugnacity.

Anyone paying attention these last couple of years knows CNN has a vendetta against the duly elected Commander In Chief. Its addle-pated panelists hiss and shriek vituperations on producers' signals. And Jim Acosta long ago hitched his rickety career wagon to the anti-Trump star.

But not long ago, on 6/25/15, to be precise, CNN sang a different tune on the 'whose house' business.

"Obama shuts down White House heckler: 'You're in my house!,'" by the floundering channel's Kevin Liptak, repeated without criticism the then-president's proprietary claim.

"President Barack Obama is used to hecklers stopping him during speeches -- but he draws the line when the audience interrupts him in his own house," wrote Liptak. 

The CNN writer later noted Obama had the vociferous transgender "undocumented immigrant" hustled from the room. 

I needn't note that the mainstream press would take positions as a motley chorus to cry out and chew much cable news studio scenery had President Trump ordered burly White House security to bum-rush an activist of such description.

Cheap-but-fun shot: CNN is doing so poorly, these days, they make Wolf Blitzer sweep up the place.


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