Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mountains and a molehill

"Stephanie Clifford's striptease act at Big Earl's Goldmine last weekend no doubt embarrassed the U.S. president" was how Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu began her July 12 entry.

Basu inflated Cliffords/Stormy Daniels' significance. It's a safe wager our president was neither aware of nor terribly concerned about the tawdry mini-celebrity's small-pond doings that weekend.

While Clifford was prancing for the leering denizens of Sniffers' Row, America's president concerned himself with serious matters. 

Economic policies advocated by the leader of the free world had produced national gains and record employment, including in black and Hispanic communities that can no longer be assumed exclusively Democratic ballot provinces. 

America was again standing tall in the world, both militarily and in its relations with other nations. At home, national sovereignty was again being asserted. 

Also during that weekend, Trump was poised to impact America's judiciary for decades with yet another Supreme Court appointment in only his second year in office. And he was soon to travel to England, where his brash America First mindset would knock stuffy Euro globalists off their pricey pins.

The world was on the edge of its chair. And Clifford was merely dancing in a small, corn-country metropolis.

Puts things in perspective, doesn't it?


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