Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Fakery, fakery, all is fakery

In America, we have three co-equal governmental branches. Peculiar responsibilities for each are specified in the Constitution. Congress makes laws, the Executive enforces them, and the Supreme Court interprets them.

Every schoolchild knows that -- or, at least, did when public schools taught civics. 

But there is no excuse for a sitting US Senator to be ignorant of those branches' set functions.

"Ultimately, the Supreme Court is going to have to make law in areas where we don't have precedent," Sen. Elizabeth Warren told MSNBC's Laurence O'Donnell. He interviewed her following President Trump's nomination to the high court of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Later, Warren addressed the matter of border separation. She said "There's a perfect example, Laurence, the Supreme Court may end up having to make law in this case."

O'Donnell did not correct her misattributing legislative responsibility to the Judicial branch. 

Of course, Warren may have given utterance to her own fancy of what the Supreme Court should do: make laws that advance a partisan agenda at odds with the Constitution. O'Donnell and MSNBC may join her in that.

Addendum: An Iowan, I just called my state's U.S. Sens. Grassley and Ernst, and urged that they support President Trump's nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. To let your senators know of your opinions, call (202) 224-3121


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