Saturday, July 7, 2018

The 'hate speech' never spoken

                                  Kino Jimenez booking photo

Recent reports in Breitbart and Infowars told of 133 attacks on supporters of President Trump. (On Saturday, Breitbart raised the number to 190.) 

Those ranged from restaurant and movie theater harassment of administration officials to sidewalk attacks on regular folks. 

And that number doesn't include daily mainstream media smears of the common man. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, New York Times columnist Charles Blow, and CNN's Don Lemon are but three distasteful representatives.

16 year-old Hunter Richard was sitting with friends in a San Antonio Whataburger. One was wearing an iconic, red-with-white-lettering Make America Great Again cap.

Suddenly, they were set upon by a stranger, 30 year-old Kino Jimenez. He grabbed the cap and threw a drink on the group.

"Fuck the president! You ain't supportin' shit, nigga," Jimenez sneered. "This'll look great in my fuckin' fireplace!"

The initial online report from local CBS affiliate KENS 5 speculated that Jimenez's attack might have been provoked by racist speech the teens had supposedly uttered. It relied solely on an account offered by an anonymous "witness."

But that KENS 5 page was subsequently edited, and the mysterious, unnamed source's conveniently damning words scissored out.

In an "Editor's note" KENS 5 explained: "An earlier version of this story included quotes from the alleged witness. Those quotes have been removed from this copy due to concerns about the legitimacy of the statements."

(Gateway Pundit on Friday noted the fake charge was repeated uncritically by New York tabloids the Post and Daily News, the online Inquistr, and numerous TV network affiliates. Their handling illustrated mainstream media appetite for 'destroy Trump' narratives.)

Whataburger issued a statement denouncing Jimenez's attack. He was fired by the bar that employed him. The Texas Green Party, of which he was a member, cut ties with him. Donald Trump, Jr sent Hunter Richard a replacement hat autographed by the president.

And Jimenez was charged with felony theft.

ABC affiliate KSAT 12 sought an interview with Jimenez, upon his release on $5000 bond. His features obscured by a tightly pulled hoodie, he attempted to flee the camera. 

He finally agreed to an off-camera interview. But he made no mention of the initially reported 'hate speech.' Instead, he offered a  new excuse -- that to him, the MAGA hat was "like a Ku Klux Klan hood." 

So, from whom did the disappeared 'hate speech' allegation originate? The world may never know.


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