Friday, July 6, 2018

Hollywood, media, Anita Timeout heft Fake News shovels

On Monday, The Gateway Pundit ran "Nancy Sinatra, Debra Messing, Toure, Soledad O'Brien, David Hogg Among Twitter Lynch Mob Targeting Trump Supporter #RoslynLaLiberte Over Viral Hoax Video With Latino Boy."

Surely hungry for any laudatory PR it might accrue them, the celebrities retweeted the false allegation that Trump supporter La Liberte had shouted slurs at 14 year-old Joseph Luevanos during a Simi Valley City Council meeting on Sanctuary Cities.

Others retweeting the counterfeit account included CNN commentator Ana Navarro and online hector Anita Timeout. (More about her, directly.)

The story was soon revealed to be untrue. MSNBC's Joy Reid had also retweeted the falsehood (originally spread on Twitter by a wet-eared activist), but she did later post an admission of error on her social media platforms. And she apologized to La Liberte and Luevanos.

"'It appears I got this wrong. My apologies to Mrs. La Liberte and Joseph," read Reid's Facebook message. 

Now, for me, this is where it gets interesting:

I'd retweeted that Gateway Pundit article just hours after it went up, and prior to Reid's admission of error/apology. I soon got a response from Timeout. (Since three others were included as recipients of her reply, it did not qualify as a private communication.)

Replying to   and 
Consider the source - according to , The Gateway Pundit "is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists." The story about the crazy screaming racist is true.

I disregarded the mischaracterization of The Gateway Pundit. But I did look into, upon which Timeout apparently relies and to which she had linked.

No wonder she was so mistaken. describes itself, at least partly, as a satire site. Its "Disclaimer" warns "[W]e make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or accuracy of opinions/information on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk."


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