Monday, June 11, 2018

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that Trump swing  

With his remarks at Sunday night's Tony Awards event, actor Robert DeNiro could have stuck to show business. Or, if he was simply unable to pass up the opportunity granted him by public-platform visibility, he could have articulated in intellectual phrasings ideals and principles he felt deserving of wide and sober contemplation.

Instead, reminding of a tuxedoed caveman in need of a razor, he merely grunted "I'm gonna say one thing: Fuck Trump. It's no longer just 'Down with Trump.' It's 'Fuck Trump.'" 

The audience of expensively tailored, Tinsel Town imbeciles rose en masse, cheering as if DeNiro had imparted some great wisdom. They may honestly have believed that he had.

DeNiro's choice to hurl profanity rather than raise complex argument isn't the end of the world. Probably, many people are given to 'colorful' language. (I am.) And perhaps common political discussion should reflect that.

Keeping it real, as goes the saying.

DeNiro's exclamation was illustrative of a plunge in conversation. Partisans who previously claimed rectitude threw off the cloak of high character to stand horribly revealed as principle-free operators comfortable in the beneath-ground gutter's brackishness.

But, Trump himself is no dignified orator. He isn't given to broaching high-minded ideas and waxing poetic. 

Why do I exempt him from criticism? 

Because with him, it's a matter of dashing entertainment style, dispatched with enviable I-don't-care swagger. He's thunderously, unapologetically on the side of real America, and the people know it.

DeNiro and modern-day Hollywood just are not. 

Old school movies icon Humphrey Bogart told an interviewer the only reason to have lots of money is so you can tell every son of a bitch in the world to go to hell. Trump can do that, and a lot of common Americans aspire to his latitude.

And when Trump bursts out of social formation, he is exceptional. He is the headliner on whose declarations hang friend and foe, alike. That rarity is distinctive and compelling. 

Crass imitators are just regrettable. When they try to horn in on Trump's successful act, their unfitness is only underscored.

Detractors like DeNiro are like brats at the kids' table, eager to bawl out expletives with pathetic, attention-whore ambition.

Trump shatters discourse orthodoxy by brazenly violating unwritten rules of propriety, and making audiences love it. Hollywood attack mutts gnash their capped teeth in sour-charactered distemper, flipping off America with diamond-ringed fingers. 

They know that whereas Trump can pull it off as casual cool, they seem but awkward and juvenile apers. He is in sync with the people. Celebrities aren't, wrinkling their surgically-sculpted noses in disdain at the average man.

President Trump is like a smirking, fists-up street brawler who loves the fight and is confident of victory. 

The bejeweled California DeNiro brigade reminds of the old Fat Albert joke: They are like school in the summertime: No class.


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