Saturday, May 26, 2018

Those who can, sit in the Oval Office. Those who can't...

                                          Source: Greenville News

Yvonne Mason is a retired South Carolina school teacher now living in Atlanta. As The Hill reporter Josh Delk related today, Mason wrote President Trump asking him to meet with parents of Parkland students. 

("Retired English teacher corrects letter from Trump and sends it back to White House"

The idle instructor was horrified to find the White House response contained several misspellings and even incorrect capitalizations. Apparently having nothing constructive to do with her hours, Mason corrected them and returned the White House letter.

"Mason acknowledges the letter was probably written by a staffer," conceded Delk. 

But never mind that inconvenient reality -- presented was another opportunity to belittle Trump. And doing so, even for the flimsiest of reasons, is all the rage in unpleasant quarters.

Delk's The Hill article was inspired by a piece in South Carolina's Greenville News, which bills itself as "Part of the USA Today network." The writers at USA Today, of course, seem to never miss a chance to attack America's president.

("Retired high school English teacher corrects President Trump's letter, sends it back to White House"

Disclosed in the South Carolina newspaper, but not by The Hill, was that Mason "is a rhetorical activist, writing letters, emails, and faxes to local, state, and federal officials." 

According to Greenville News writer Paul Hyde: "A recent project had Mason, a current Atlanta resident, penning a postcard every day to Trump."

Honestly, I felt reluctant to criticize Yvonne Mason. She's retired, and so what if she's a bit of a crank? She's not hurting anyone. 

An argument could be made here for many fine hobbies, none of which necessitate pestering those legitimately occupied and surely uninterested in the counsel of curious characters.

Addendum: "15 Famous Thinkers Who Couldn't Spell," an article on the Graveyard Shift blog, cites various illustrious examplars at whose memories would-be Yvonne Masons can scowl and brandish rulers. Included are William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austin, Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill.


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