Saturday, May 12, 2018

"One of my concerns is, this is going to put me in the way of slings and arrows!"
Indiana Judge Sarah Evans Barker's 2016 words now haunt her


On Thursday, Breitbart's Warner Todd Huston told the ugly tale of Indiana Judge Sarah Evans Barker. An illegal alien named Juana Loa-Nunez had been arrested after allegedly driving her car into a church daycare center and seriously injuring a teacher.

Judge Barker ordered the sheriff to release the prisoner, despite there being an active ICE detainer. ICE was not even notified. 

To the surprise of exactly no one, Loa-Nunez vanished.

Judge Barker does have some relevant history on the subject of immigration, and has gone on record as hostile to President Trump, as well.

In 2016, the New Yorker ran a piece by Alex Kotlowitz titled: "A federal judge has a message for naturalized citizens (and Trump)." It recalled Judge Barker's venomously partisan declaration to new Americans at a swearing-in ceremony held the previous month.

The judge had addressed her comments to a mere 68 listeners. They were published in the Indiana Lawyer, whose reported readership is only about 6000. 

She may have felt emboldened by that small-pond audience. But now her words have returned to haunt her.

Some excerpts:

In light of the turbulent events in recent weeks, which played out as part of the political campaigns, and were characterized by some really ugly, divisive, and demeaning words and hate-filled, violence-tinged name-calling, your responsibilities as new citizens have become more important than ever...

The harsh words that have been spoken over the last few months were indefensible and unkind, testing the strength of the ties that hold us together as a country. I imagine that many of you, in particular, felt the sting of these attacks and heard them in personal terms...I can't defend or excuse such attacks -- I, too, felt their sting and regretted the fear that they engendered -- but today, as we gather on this special day, I hope maybe I can restore your hope and calm your fears and renew your sense of confidence.

Barker then seemed to hint at a dug-in Deep State willing and able to continue on its preferred course, indifferent to popular will. 

Our institutions of government are strong and our society is much bigger and greater than any small group of people who have chosen to test our stamina.

"Small group?" Trump was the choice of over 63 million voters and easily carried the Electoral College. 

Fie on that, spat Judge Barker.

Kotlowitz relates that during his subsequent phone interview with her, Judge Barker said there was no need to name Trump in her remarks. "I'm pretty sure my audience knew what I was referring to."

"One of my concerns is, this is going to put me in the way of slings and arrows," she conceded.

Well, here we are.


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