Friday, July 13, 2018

He cheers attacks on teens
Meet Jogi Pattisapu, anti-Trump Texas JHS teacher

                                                           Pattisapu Twitter photo

In an earlier American Scene Magazine article, I noted the assault 30 year-old Kino Jimenez made on a MAGA hat-wearing teenager minding his own business in a San Antonio Whataburger.

Jimenez was charged. And he subsequently fled reporters. But while he may be ashamed of his crime, others, bizarrely, broke out in public huzzahs.

Atheist, Liberal, Public School Teacher, son of immigrants; The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me -- I too am not a bit tamed I too am untranslatable #Wakanda

That is how Texas teacher Jogi Pattisapu introduces himself on his now-locked Twitter page. Pattisapu teaches at Anthony Agguire Junior High, in Houston. 

A Gateway Pundit article published today reprinted Twitter posts Pattisapu posted applauding Jimenez's violent, politically motivated assault:

These shitcake kids r the same type to wear MAGA hats to the African American museum. The same douchebag kids who do a Nazi salute in class pictures then claim it was a joke. Fuck Em.

Gateway Pundit reported that another Twitter user asked how Pattisapu could sanction the attack. The hippie educator fired back, adding anti-law enforcement bigotry to his scrofulous presentation:

The same way u support the police when they killed tamir rice. The same way u supported Trump with the racist "Birther" shite for 6 years. The same way u look the other way when your family and friends drop racist stereotypical right wing talking points.

According to the GP coverage, Channelview Independent School District spokeswoman LaKeisha LeBlanc said an investigation of Pattisapu's despicable online activity is underway. The Employee Standards of Conduct notes that disciplinary actions "including termination" are specified for violators.


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