Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I was wrong about Trump

I've always appreciated President Trump's larger-than-life presence. His swagger, self-assurance, and jaw-jutted refusal to tailor his strapping rhetoric to political correctness's throat-strangling design.

When he appeared with Vladimir Putin at their post-meeting press conference, I yearned to see that Trump -- the overwhelming character who was bolder and louder than anyone, who sucked all the air out of every room he entered. 

Instead, I saw a quieter, even deferential Trump. He seemed subdued. For the first time, he seemed less than his counterpart.

I was disappointed. 

But after I'd given the episode due consideration and listened to his subsequent interviews with Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, I realized I'd been wrong about his press conference performance.

A brash, stentorian manner makes for entertaining rallies. And it can be inspirational. But it is not felicitous in every room.

Strength asserted quietly and cagily governed can, in suitable circumstances, be far more effective than showy exclamations. As a business icon of international capacity, Trump surely has long known that. 

He'd been appropriate to the moment, judicious in his carriage. His awesome mission had been to establish more harmonious relations with Putin and Russia, that world-rending nuclear war might be averted.

He succeeded by keeping his composure and by allowing another to assume spotlight.

Despite Trump's having performed a tremendous service to the cause of world peace, few offered him the thanks he was due. In fact, the airwaves and news-print pages teemed with Deep State bad actors vicious in their roared condemnation of the figure who'd acquitted himself so capably and bettered all of our lots. (A notable exception was Breitbart's Caroline Glick.)

I was reminded of candidate Trump's telling packed arenas of supporters that, when situations called for him to be 'presidential' he would do so, to the point of sedateness.

The meeting with Putin, and the following press conference, had demanded Trump be restrained. 'Presidential.'

He was. He succeeded.

And I was wrong about Trump, of which I'm glad.


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