Saturday, June 8, 2019

CNN's Don Lemon gettin' Jussie wit' it

On Thursday the 6th, the Hollywood Reporter ran a piece on an "industry conference" addressed by CNN host Don Lemon. The basement-rated anchor claimed "I was doing a shoot in the park the other day, and someone said 'We built this country. I can't wait for CNN to fire your black ass, you faggot.'"

It is regrettably true that people say foolish and sickening things. (Read the comment section of any news site.) So, Lemon's account is plausible. 

But reasons for suspicion await consideration. Let's not try their patience.

Lemon chose to issue his sensational allegation at a high-profile public venue, where reporters dutifully recorded his words. And he did so at a time when plummeting CNN viewership made attention crucial.

Remember, too, that when Jussie Smollett began his later-debunked hate-crime hoax, Lemon was in on the ground floor. During his Feb. 21 show, Lemon recalled appearing on Smollett's show, Empire, and striking up a friendship. 

By his own admission, the CNN host was called by a Smollett associate following the faked assault and visited the actor in the hospital.

Pumping up the specter of racism and related bigotries has long been part of CNN's larger Take Down the President and His Supporters mission. It's their religion, perhaps their only one. 

From the start, Lemon happily promoted Smollett's deceits to audience-members who hadn't yet drifted away. But when the hoax blew up in the faces of its promoters, as did the Russia-collusion hoax, change came. 

Lemon adopted a more measured approach to his Hollywood friend, cautioning circumspection. Lemon and CNN colleague Chris Cuomo agreed the real danger was that future alleged hate crimes might enjoy less sympathy. 

Intelligent observers understood their words weren't critical of hate-crime hoaxes in general. Lemon and Cuomo signaled inclinations to favor new allegations with similar receptiveness. 

The Smollett scam had by design smeared white, male Trump supporters with the bigot's broadbrush. a crude implement of defamation the giggly Lemon had himself wielded without care as to the social consequences.

So, when Lemon recently proclaimed supposed harassment, one half expected him to add his alleged hector had also bellowed "This is MAGA country!"


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