Saturday, June 8, 2019

Fx/Disney Pose actor stomps on American rights, Trump support

Indya Adrianna Moore, of Fx/Disney's Pose, recently destroyed a 'Trump 2020 Keep America Great!' banner owned by a self-professed fan of that show.

The fan was said to be in line outside filming. Moore apparently felt 'woke' political/social prejudices outweighed others' speech and private property rights.

Video clip per Reddit.

Video of Moore's assaultive criminality spread across the digital world, including on Facebook and Twitter.

"Watch this thief @IndyaMoore," tweeted one critic. "Why do these @Hollywood @WeakSauce folks think they can steal our stuff? HELL NO. The days of not pushing back are over. This is a free country. We have a right to support @potus. If you don't like it, tough! #Trump2020."

Obviously, retaliatory violence (save for momentary self defense) is not desired. A society constantly in civil battle would be a terrible thing. But actions do produce reactions. What do miscreants like Moore expect?

An Instinct Magazine writer sympathetic to Moore claimed ignorance of the facts surrounding the incident. (The easier to avoid addressing Moore's guilt, I suppose.)

But he highlighted social media backers of the sign-owner Moore had victimized. "It's just another day in Trumpmerica" was how the writer ended the article headlined "'Pose' star Indya Moore assaulted by Man in dispute over Trump 2020 sign," which was in no way biased.

In the video, the man tells Moore he is a fan of the program. Moore responds, in part, by snarling "We don't want you to be a fan of our show!"

Perhaps someone at Fx/Disney hurriedly contacted Moore. The actor rushed to post a strange message that was (only partially) affirming of Americans' guaranteed right to intellectual diversity:

"Hey ya'll those of you with varying political opinions who also watch pose...Thank you for loving black trans women, please also love us in real life and make sure the love you have for us reflects your politics [Moore may have meant 'is reflected by your politics'] because our lives/welfare are at Mercy to your politics/"opinions."

That's what in 2019 show-biz Democrat world passes for an apology; a garbled tweet that concedes no wrongdoing but reiterates the original idiocy. 'Only those who share my prejudices really matter.' Moore seems to cast opposing views as inherently invalid by carefully placing opinions in quotation marks.

No one has the right to destroy someone else's property or squelch that person's speech. Point of view isn't exculpatory. Respect for others' liberties is basic. That should not be controversial or disputed in a civilized culture.

That being said, I would not be surprised to hear some championing Moore's in-broad-daylight criminality. Because identity.

Moore's backers would grasp that there can be no defending violation of others' Constitutionally protected rights, so I don't suppose they'd try. Instead, they'd shout about self-imagery, fantasized historical imperatives, and 'marginalized communities.'

When people of varying political attitudes can't even agree on fundamental matters like free speech and private property rights, something very sinister and unlike America assumes being. And that's ultimately no good for any of us.

"Our current administration is the biggest threat to LGBTQ rights that I've seen in my lifetime," Moore recently told People. NBC reported last month Trump had marked LGBTQ Pride Month, and was the first president to do so.

But this was never about facts, realities, or truths. It is an exclusively political racket in which there are no guiding ethical or moral precepts. Absolutely anything goes, so long as it advances ideology.

Once that is understood, Moore's sign-destruction/speech obstruction -- and the applause some already accorded the legally actionable criminality -- can be accurately classed as childishly bigoted.

There was another TV actor who wrongly thought being 'woke' put him above the law. I think his name was Jussie.


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