Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PA Dem Rep Brian Sims proudly anti-Catholic
Do his liberal and media allies care? 

Do Sims's fellow Pennsylvania representatives care? They've said nothing.

Does Pete Buttigieg care? Continued association with Sims could damage his campaign.

And does MSNBC's ostensibly Catholic host Chris Matthews care? "You're obviously a great local representative and you'll maybe be governor some day," Matthews gushed over Sims, in a 3/29/13 interview.

Sims's Wikipedia profile observes he was born into a Catholic family but left our church at 16. So his hostility toward Catholicism may have inspiration in his personal life. 

If so, the proper thing is to feel sorry for him. And pray that he realizes error and returns.

But robustly defending our faith against his vile slurs is also entirely proper.

In his infamous viral video, Sims harasses an elderly woman who's praying her rosary across the street from a Planned Parenthood. 

Sims: "These are the kinds of attacks on Planned Parenthood that we can expect in the current administration."

Rosary-praying an "attack?" (And the shot at President Trump did not go unnoticed.)

As if driven by some bizarre psychological dishevelment, Sims stalks and berates the woman, She continues her peaceful, prayerful protest, undeterred by his giggly provocations. 

She should be "ashamed," he shouts, for reaching out to Divine authority and voicing an opinion he disliked.

Is this the current state of moral affairs in America? An elected Democrat attacking a lone, meek Catholic woman for daring to pray her rosary in public?

"We can talk about your Christian faith," Sims yells to the woman. "About how your faith believes in shaming people. About how your Christian faith believes in telling people that you know what's right for their bodies."

Sims seems of the view that it's wrong for Catholicism to articulate a single standard based on Divine law. His apparent belief is that there exists no one standard of goodness and propriety. 

To him, perhaps, anything goes. And reality is just one crazy party in which there are no inconvenient things like right and wrong. Hedonism over all. Everyone has their own standard. Their own normal. Their own truth.

"For the last ten years, if someone has asked, I've said my faith is in humanity," he told ReligionNews.com in a 2014 interview.

In his video, Sims demanded of the woman: "How many Catholic churches are you protesting? 400 Catholic priests in Pennsylvania indicted for child molestation. I don't remember seeing you at any of those protests. I was at them." 

In a 5/7 Catholic League statement, group President William Donohue said of Sims: "This bigot can’t even get that right -- two were indicted." That Sims would make a point of joining in mob actions against the Catholic Church speaks to his ugly disposition.

"There's nothing Christian about what you're doing," Sims hollers
at the woman. "There's nothing loving. There's nothing kind."

In that ReligionNews.com interview, the formerly Catholic Sims said he has "deeply religious" friends, co-workers, and fellow activists. But of himself, he said "I'm as Catholic as I am Jewish as I am Muslim -- namely, not at all."

The article noted Sims was "nonreligious in a nation where most elected officials pledge allegiance not only to country, but to God."

"I'm the only elected official in Pennsylvania that didn't have to set foot in a house of worship to get elected," Sims boasted to the interviewer.

That explains a lot. But excuses nothing.


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