Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Brian Sims episode: Its racial, medical, logical, and criminal aspects

In his now-notorious video, Pennsylvania Democrat State Representative Brian Sims harasses a woman who's praying her rosary across the street from a Planned Parenthood. 

He was so proud of besieging the solitary, older Catholic woman in her prayerful reminder of Planned Parenthood's evil, he wanted the world to see videotaped evidence of his despicable misbehavior.

"An old white lady, telling people what to do with their bodies. Shame on you!..Please, if you're watching this, even if it's just five dollars that you can give to Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, this is the kind of stuff they have to deal with."

"White" is not a pejorative, save for in the lexicon of racial bigots. In earlier decades, blacks were maligned for skin color. Today, whites are. The more things change...

"Please give five dollars to Planned Parenthood on behalf of this woman. If you're a white person like I am, we have a lot of catching up to do. We have a lot to apologize for. And I'm going to start by apologizing for this woman. Shame on you!..Don't convince yourself that what you're doing isn't extremely racist. How dare you! This is grotesque!"

Sims's delusions of responsibility for long-distant atrocities he never perpetrated are common among 'woke' Democrats. But they are facially illogical and perpetuate the broadbrush racial bigotry against which liberals remonstrate in all other circumstances.

He also disregards Planned Parenthood's origin as a tool for racial genocide, founder Margaret Sanger's ugly bent on color, and the suspicious location of many Planned Parenthood offices in minority areas. 

(Not to mention his Democrat Party's shameful record: The founding of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, congressional opposition to 1960s Civil Rights Acts, and later implementation of a welfare 'plantation' system that split fathers from families and doomed generations to dependence on government care.)

At one point, Sims declares: "Shame on you...The amount of mental gymnastics it must take to think that you have a right to tell a woman what's right for her body..."

At issue in pro-life protest is not the woman's body so much as that of the unborn child she's preparing to have executed. But abortionists don't acknowledge the biological fact that an unborn baby is person with a right to life. 

If they did, they would have to justify their murderous actions. To explain why they feel some people are not deserving of life. Easier than that is simply saying a group of humans are not human, at all.

(History offers examples of such idiocy and its horrible consequences.)

"[Y]ou're dragging people for using their Constitutional rights...   This is what broken morality looks like. This is what broken values looks like."

That which is legal is not necessarily moral. Slavery was legal. All sorts of horrible things once enjoyed legal protection. Pro-abortion types like Sims need to acknowledge that legality and morality can be distinct phenomena. Simply saying something is legal does not shield it from legitimate moral criticism. 

He and his ideological fellows have no moral justification for abortion. So they shout 'legal,' as if that resolved the matter.

Sims waved his official title and the implication of authority: 

"Please call the cops. Tell them Rep. Brian Sims is standing in his district, telling somebody that using the right that they're using to protest women coming into Planned Parenthood is disgusting and it's wrong and it's shameful. You've no business being out here. the rights that you have that allow you to be out here are very different from the moral standing that you think you have."

(In at least that moment, Sims seemed aware that legality and morality are not necessarily the same.)

Sims encourages viewers of his video to join him in harassing the woman and her family: "If you can give me her address, we'll protest out front of her home. Let's protest out front of her house and tell her what's right for her body."

His effective call to dox the woman and her family and put them at real risk of physical harm raises concerns. Pennsylvania law prohibits misconduct by legislators.

"We are contacting every member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives asking them to take a vote of censure against State Representative Brian Sims," wrote Catholic League President Donahue.

He added: "In particular, we are asking state representative Frank A. Farry, Chairman of the House Committee on Ethics, to introduce a resolution to formally condemn the vicious attack by Sims on an elderly Catholic woman. The Committee on Ethics deals with cases of 'misconduct in legislative duties.' What Sims did may also be criminal."


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