Sunday, April 21, 2019

The sacrilegious Easter Sunday prowling of MSNBC's Michael Viqueira

Michael Viqueira, during a 4/21 MSNBC interview with Joy Reid, related his Easter Sunday stalking of Robert Mueller outside St. John's Episcopal Church, in D.C.

"Some people would characterize this as an ambush interview of a man coming out of Easter services at church," Viqueira said, of his ambush interview of a man coming out of Easter services at church.

The MSNBC reporter offered no apology for his reprehensible, hostile trespass on Holy ground, disrespectful as it plainly was of Mueller's right to unmolested religious practice. 

For those in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome, nothing is beyond the pale.

Following Viqueira's assaultive deviltry, actress Patricia Heaton tweeted:

"Hello @MSNBC. Today is Easter Sunday, the holiest day of the Christian calendar. Some of the faithful were murdered today while they worshipped. But you ambush Robert Mueller outside his church and chuckle about it afterward. This is loathsome. Shame on you."

Heaton's words about Christian worshippers being murdered referred to the 8 reportedly coordinated Easter Day Sri Lankan bombings. Hundreds were killed or injured.

Notably, while both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama released sympathetic statements, each declined to explicitly say "Christians." They opted instead for "Easter worshippers." Following the New Zealand mosque attack, both specified "Muslims" in initial comments.

In mainstream news and entertainment media, as in progressive politics, bigotry against Christianity is acceptable. It's even advocated as moral and just.

During a Poynter Institute interview the day after his contemptible deed, Viqueira spelled out his philosophical disregard for the concept of religious specialness: "Whether it is Easter Sunday or Wednesday outside an office building, if a newsmaker is in our sight, we ask them questions."

The unashamed MSNBC functionary was not the first to attempt blame-evasion by using a mealy-mouthed euphemism to minimize the nefariousness of his wrongdoing.

In a January 30, WTOP radio interview, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam explained his approach to killing newborns. He carefully selected weasel-words with all the unctiousness and coldness of a pathological monster:

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

An MSNBC reporter skulking about Christian church soil? A Democrat governor dispassionately articulating a methodology for baby killing?

And people wonder why Trump won -- and will doubtless win reelection.


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