Tuesday, April 9, 2019

National Farrakhan Democrats  
(And why do rank-and-file liberals find his bigotry acceptable?)

This long-hidden photo of pre-White House Barack Obama with Louis Farrakhan was ignored by most news channels when first made public, in 2018, even though the photographer spoke publicly about it and no one disputed his account. (No media bias? Imagine if a photo of Trump and David Duke existed. We all know coverage and commentary would be top volume on every channel. 

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's hateful rhetoric has never dissuaded powerful Democrats from courting him. Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are only some liberals who find bigotry to be no big deal when it is issues from their camp.

Unfortunately, Farrakhan is today as prominent and influential as ever. Perhaps even more so. In 2019, his status is as influential political broker.

On the other hand, former Klan leader David Duke, another bit of reprehensible detritus, exists, these days, only because the liberal media keeps pumping air into him. (Who knows his actions when no campaign is underway?) He is useful to media partisans as a weapon against any Republican who runs for president.

Republicans do not rush to lavish attentions on Duke, as top-level Democrats eagerly do with Farrakhan. 

Reflect on the reality that the odious Duke would fade forever into richly deserved obscurity, were it not for the dogged exercises of fake journalists. 

They keep him in the public eye and give his terrible prejudices continued currency. Duke is their creation.

This recent, disgusting declaration by Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan did receive some press attention, though far less than it deserved:

"God does not love this world. God never sent Jesus to die for this world. Jesus died because he was 2,000 years too soon to bring about the end of the civilization of the Jews. He never was on a cross, there was no Calvary for that Jesus...

"I represent the Messiah. I represent the Jesus and I am that Jesus."

(A similarly laughable assertion of Messianic status was in the 1980s proclaimed by Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church cult. Interestingly, Farrakhan's pompous proclamation has not drawn nearly as much derision from Democrats. In fact, the present author has heard none from the donkey quarter.)

Only last year, BreakingIsraelNews.com reported that numerous liberal organizations had withdrawn sponsorship of the Women's March, following revelations of march leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory's support for Farrakhan and hostility toward Israel. 

(Sarsour and Mallory subsequently refused to denounce Farrakhan's anti-Semitism, the latter during a January appearance on ABC's The View.)

Time reported that organizations severing public bonds with Sarsour and company included the Democratic National Committee, National Organization for Women, Southern Poverty Law Center, Human Rights Campaign, and GLAAD.

Don't confer praise on those organizations, yet, though; they were fine with the Farrakhan-sympathetic Womens March until that unfavorable reality hit the papers.

"No one wants to be associated with the Womens March," said BreakingIsraelNews. "And no one wants to be disassociated from it. The lefty establishment knows perfectly well that their activist base hates Trump far more than it opposes anti-Semitism. Much of that activist base, including ones with Jewish last names, would turn out to protest Trump even if they had to do it side-by-side with Farrakhan, Hamas, and Hitler."

As Time reported, Womens March organizers' indulgence of Farrakhan received sharp criticism from original March founder Theresa Shook: 

"In opposition to our Unity Principles, they have allowed anti-Semitism, anti-LGBTQA sentiment, and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs," Shook tweeted.

Democrat leaders of small character have for decades courted the loathsome Farrakhan, though they are usually (but not always) circumspect about those shameful rendezvous.

Here are several foul quotes from the man Democrats applaud once doors are closed. They cover decades:

In 1984, Farrakhan said: "The Jews don't like Farrakhan so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Also 1984: "Now, that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying, and deceit, and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name."

1994: "Murder and lying comes easy to white people."

1997: "A decree of death has been passed on America. The judgement of God has been rendered, and she must be destroyed."

2000: "White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet."

"The Jews talk about 'never again,'" Farrakhan said, in 2007. "You cannot say 'never again' to God because when he puts you in the oven, you're in one, indeed."

"White people deserve to die," he told rally attendees, a few years ago.

2018: "I'm not anti-Semite. I'm anti-termite."

Anti-hate liberals remain silent on Farrakhan. Anti-Semitism is these days popular in progressive circles. Witness the rapid spread of the BDS movement. 

BreakingIsraelNews has a theory. After citing the 1984 Jesse Jackson "hymietown" slur, and noting the NOI's subsequent death threat against the reporter who'd brought it to light, the news site said:

"The Jackson-Farrakhan scandal was the template for the same debate that is still taking place a generation later in which Democrats defend their affiliations with Farrakhan as black empowerment, distinct from his bigotry, in which anti-Semitism by leftist racial nationalists is passed off as a critique of Israel..."

Some grassroots Democrat Farrakhan apologists may consider him with a sort of paternalism, thinking supposed oppressive circumstances justify animosities condemnable when uttered elsewhere. 'The soft bigotry of low expectations,' as goes the phrase.

For liberals to ignore the hatred of Farrakhan (and Rep. Ilhan Omar, and a dizzying number of current, anti-Israel congressional Democrats) is to allow his bigotry to metastasize, and effectively lend it succor.

Probably, some illogical feeling of guilt for historical phenomena in which they never participated fuels much liberal acceptance of Farrakhan's bigotry. 

Again, apologists for hate perhaps believe that 'oppressed' status means persons allegedly impacted can engage in speech and behavior not acceptable, elsewhere. They may share Michael Eric Dyson's belief that free deploy of racial slurs is "the prerogative of the oppressed," and cannot reasonably be decried. 

(Dyson, whom I refer to as Professor Popinjay, offered that rationalization for Trayvon Martin's disclosed "cracker" slur about George Zimmerman. MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton also defended it. He blithely termed it "the way kids talk." Reprehensible though those figures' attitudes are, I've never heard of a Democrat shutting a door in their faces. Nor do I expect to.)

Partisans excusing Farrakhan and these others don't oppose bigotry in principle, but only when it hails from certain quarters. When confronted by evidence of their own heroes' sins, they dismiss examples as aged, out of context, of no real relevance, or, perhaps, uttered by sources of little practical influence.

Some apologists crawl across campuses, wet-eared and squalling for all the sensible world to laugh at. Others, long of tooth, simply stopped thinking critically around the time John Howard Griffin went into paperback.

But though their specious justifications differ, the result is indulgence of bigotry they profess to stand foursquare against, in other circumstances.

Because of their diffidence and Janus-faced inconsistency, they are not credible on the issue and offer nothing of value to the larger, significant conversation.

No one can sincerely stand against hate while refusing to denounce Farrakhan and politicians who indulge him. Some things matter more than an election.

(By the way, I never even mentioned the blatant nonsensicalness of callow Resistance sorts sporting Hot Topic t-shirts bearing the image of virulent racist Che Guevara.)


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