Monday, March 18, 2019

Viewers beware: FNC hires 'regretful' Donna Brazile  

So, the Fox News Channel has hired former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile to offer commentary. 

I can't imagine a news channel retaining infamous dissembler Roger Stone as a commentator. The foppish career trickster made a name for himself by muddying electoral campaign waters with vulgar stuntery. 

No channel that respected its audience would foist the velveteen mountebank on it. And though Brazile lacks Stone's lengthy history of chicanery, I'm prompted to put her in his category. 

Here's why: 

Prior to a 2016 CNN presidential debate, Brazile gave debate questions to Hillary Clinton. 

Brazile initially denied she had helped Clinton cheat. She even claimed victimhood, declaring to then-FNC host Megyn Kelly: "As a Christian woman, I know about persecution." 

Somehow, though, Brazile was ignorant of the Ninth Commandment's admonition against lying. And of Proverbs 6: 16-19, which instruct that a "lying tongue" is something the Lord "strongly dislikes."

Brazile was dropped by CNN, which claimed to be "completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor."

Eventually, she did admit guilt. 

"My job was to make all our Democrat candidates look good and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen. But sending those [debate question-containing] emails was a mistake I'll forever regret." Brazile wrote in a 2017 Time essay.

And now, Fox News execs are giving her a second chance. As per old jailhouse movies, they may also have given her a new suit and a $10 bill.

In the biblical spirit, of course, we should be forgiving of Brazile's transgression. But remaining wary nonetheless is just common sensical. 

"There's an audience on Fox News that doesn't hear enough from Democrats. We have to engage that audience and show Americans of every stripe what we stand for rather than retreat into our 'safe spaces' where we simply agree with each other," Brazile wrote in a statement that addressed her FNC hiring. 

I appreciate exposure to perspectives from across the spectrum. I seek them out, daily. Sound ideas can come from anywhere. And listening to a variety of voices enriches our own knowledge and understanding.

I wouldn't ever want to hear just one side. I prefer to hear all, and make my own judgement. You never really know what's over the hill until you've looked. 

But I believe FNC's employ of Brazile can be thought if a part with the channel's apparent inclination to placate PC liberals. While evident in previous times, that disturbing phenomenon has perhaps increased following the DNC's announcement it would not partner with the channel to present a primary debate.

Judge Jeanine Pirro was recently sanctioned by FNC for criticism of Rep. Ilhan Omar, At one point in on-air commentary, Pirro had wondered whether Omar's hijab might indicate Sharia sympathy.

Pirro was tweet-smeared by FNC behind-the-camera staffer Hufsa Kamal, an associate producer of Special Report with Bret Baier. 

"@JudgeJeanine can you stop spreading this false narrative that somehow Muslims hate America or women who wear a hijab aren't American enough? You have Muslims working at the same network you do, including myself. K thx."

That Pirro had said exactly none of the things alleged by Kamal in her ugly tweet didn't deter the fake news-mongerer.

The general tone of much Fox News programming is, at best, suspicious of President Trump and unsympathetic to regular Americans' interests. Each weekend, Arthel Neville and Leland Vittert shamelessly parade anti-Trump sensibilities.

"Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNeville and @LelandVittert, trained at CNN prior to their ratings collapse? In any event, that's where they should be working, along with their lowest-rated anchor, Shepard Smith," tweeted President Trump, Sunday.

That same day, another example leapt up: Chris Wallace tried to get away with deceptively editing a statement from the New Zealand shooter, that President Trump be portrayed unflatteringly. Fortunately, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney immediately foiled Wallace's underhanded bid.

Other FNC personalities inclined against America's president include Judge Andrew Napolitano, the afore-mentioned Shepard Smith, and Neil Cavuto. 

A good way to establish which Fox personalities liberal speech-stiflers consider politically oppositional is to review which ones they urge be boycotted. Hannity, Calson, Pirro -- yes. Wallace, Neville and Vittert, Napolitano, Smith, Cavuto  -- no. 

Nor does action against Brazille seem likely. FNC execs appear by their own actions to be more concerned with the opinions of the channel's detractors than the viewers that made them successful. 

How long until the (not very) conservative Fox News Channel features an openly transsexual host? 


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