Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ignore Biden. Embrace America

In a piece for The Hill ("Biden: 'The America I see does not wish to turn our back on the world'"), writer Michael Burke quotes former Vice President Joe Biden as being publicly critical of President Trump and the policies of his administration, while addressing a Munich audience.

The American people expressed our preference for the Commander In Chief and his Make America Great Again agenda through the democratic process. But that the will of the people is unimportant to unpatriotic elitists like Biden is hardly news.

(Burke made no criticism of Biden's running down America before a foreign audience. As per his reporting, Biden received a "standing ovation" for his contemptible act.)

There was a time when blasting America and its president while on foreign soil simply wasn't done. The Dixie Chicks never recovered, professionally, after their 2003 London scandal. 

But judging by the uncritical coverage of Biden's slurs by The Hill, the seditious trio may simply have been ahead of its time.


Lets turn our thoughts from Biden, the Dixie Chicks, and others of their back-stabbing ilk. Let's recall instead a time when patriotic sentiment was a sturdy bridge that united even Americans of divergent pursuits. 

In 1941 film Roar of the Press, reporter Wally Williams (Wallace Ford) and numbers racket boss Sparrow McGraun (Paul Fix) discuss an anti-American network active in their hometown of New York:

Sparrow: "Me, I'm mixed up in a good, clean racket. But there's some people runnin' around loose who ain't. They're out to get this country into trouble. And that's the mob you're runnin' up against. They're tough. Plenty tough. Foreigners, mostly. And they won't stop at nothin'!"

Wally: "How do you know about this?"

Sparrow: "They propositioned me. Wanted to know how much you know about their set-up. They figure you're gettin' too nosy."

Wally: "Wait a minute. Did they send you to scare me off?"

Sparrow: "Certainly not! I don't want any part a them. They're un-American. They're against this country, and they oughtta be exposed. Me, I got me a racket, sure. And the cops don't like it. But that ain't nothin' against this country."

Wally: "Thanks, pal!"

Sparrow: "Ah, it's nothin'. Us Americans gotta stick together."

A return to that spirit is needed.


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