Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Belief a virtue
by DC Larson

"All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
- I.F. Stone

I thought that a clever and accurate line, some twenty years ago. With profound cynicism, it cogently encapsulated the knee-jerk distrust in institutions many feel, and encouraged citizens in the malicious fallacy that those elected to power are, to a man, as conniving and deceitful as the lowest back-alley miscreant.

Of course, there are persons who exploit authority. But their misdoings are in conflict with legitimate democratic governance.

Inveighing against the governmental concept itself probably allows smug feelings of superior insightfulness. But to assume inherent unjustness, and that no office-holder can possibly be trusted, is to dispute the practical existence of goodness.

Holding fast to the belief that good persons can and do make impacts is far from naive. It represents high faith in humanity. 

On the other hand, proclaiming mistrust in everyone bespeaks not  wisdom, but ignorance of the finest human potential.


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