Saturday, March 9, 2019

Democrats again embrace bigotry       

One-time minor-league entertainment notable Sarah Silverman isn't good for much. But this comparison is one time she is instructive.

In 2015, touring comedians like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld were critical of college audiences' PC restrictiveness. But not Silverman.

"You have to listen to the college-aged, because they lead the revolution," is how she explained her flimsy-spined willingness to accept trendy message-scissoring, as quoted in 2015 by

Like Simple Sarah, the Democrat Party leadership seems to have no unvarying principle save for status-retention. They've apparently calculated that change must come, regardless of its quality. 

To survive, albeit as gruesome behemoth, that party has now embraced hatred.

In the aftermath of the flood of ugly anti-Semitism that gushed from Rep. Ilhan Omar's heart via her mouth, more than a few Democrat Party leaders and liberal mainstream media hacks rose to defend her against perfectly legitimate criticism.

Those included Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the Washington Post, Roll Call's Emily Kopp, Jon Shwarz of the Intercept, and pretty much everyone who cashes checks signed by Andrew Lack or Jeff Zucker.

And I've already lost track of how many other liberal news media figures have galloped into broadcast with tortured defenses of bigotry that all good people once considered indefensible.

"Democrats have become an anti-Israel party," President Trump recently told White House reporters. "They've become an anti-Jewish party."

Democrats effectively sanctioned Omar's articulated evil. The resolution they ultimately produced did not explicitly name her or cite her statements, but watered down the point of the whole thing by cramming in every other form of prejudice imaginable.

"Today is historic on many fronts," wrote Omar and fellow Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rachel Tlaib, in a triumphant joint statement. "It's the first time we have voted on a resolution condemning anti-Muslim bigotry in our nation's history."

So, what began as a specific reaction to Omar's anti-Jewish hate was turned from that noble task to a bland pronouncement more to her preference. The villain became the victor.

"Today's resolution vote was a sham put forward by Democrats to avoid condemning one of their own and denouncing vile anti-Semitism," said House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney.

Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Tlaib have led the Democrat Party onto a vile boulevard that party's heads used to decry. The ease with which those party officials reversed their anti-Semitism opposition illustrates smallness of character.

But unseemly indulgence of anti-Semitism is not contemporary Democrats' sole offense.

American Catholics were once dependable Democrat voters. I grew up in the late '60s and recall Irish-Catholic families hanging JFK portraits in their homes. (My wife and I presently have one of President Trump hanging in our living room.)

In recent times, more and more national Democrats have attacked Catholicism.

"The dogma lives loudly within you,  and that's a concern," Sen. Dianne Feinstein intoned dramatically of Catholic appeals court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Many observers, including Sen. Orrin Hatch, charged the Democrat had violated the Constitution's "religious test" prohibition.

Democrat Senators Kamala Harris and Maize Hirono challenged Judge Brian C. Buescher, who would possibly serve on the United States District Court for Nebraska, on his membership in the pro-traditional values Catholic Knights of Columbus. 

For them and like-minded Democrat colleagues, religious testing of Catholics is all the rage.

It has become common for congressional Democrats and their news media accomplices to savage Catholic Church teachings and traditions. One need only read daily papers to find fresh evidence.

Taking a step back, we can see that Democrats' hostility toward traditionally respected and influential American faiths is of a part with the general out-with-the-old-and-in-with-the-new sensibility guiding them. 

That has seen challenges to Constitutional rights to free speech and gun ownership; historical revisionism in academia; the tearing down of venerable statuary; attempted erasure of national boundaries, sovereignty, and citizenship significance; and even disputation of our country's very right to exist.

This is, of course, far from the first time the Democrat Party has
supported bigotry. Historians like author Dinesh D'Souza recall the majority of slaveholders belonged to that party, and that elected Southern Democrats long protected both that institution and the Jim Crow laws that followed. 

The Ku Klux Klan began as a Democrat vehicle. Sen. Al Gore, Sr. filibustered against the 1965 Civil Rights Act, which was opposed by a majority of Democrats but supported by most Republicans.

Today, powerful Washington Democrats apparently reason that traditional American ideals of equality and nondiscrimination should be jettisoned in favor of Radical Islamic prejudices, and that party candidates can win future elections without the votes of Catholics and Jews.

I hope for the good of America that Democrats are again wrong. 


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