Tuesday, April 2, 2019

2020 will pit American nationalism against Democrat disloyalty         

The Fox News Channel reported Monday that: "A conference featuring eight prominent 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls kicked off in Washington, D.C., with the fiery rallying cry of a fugitive cop-killer on Monday, as the labor and political groups in attendance shouted in unison, 'We have nothing to lose but our chains.'"

According to FNC, Jamal Watkins, Vice-President of Civic Engagement at the NAACP, invited We the People conference attendees to chant with him the words of Assata Shakur, also known as JoAnne Chesimard.

"Shakur's words, in turn, were appropriated from the final sentences of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels' Communist Manifesto," the FNC said. "'The Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!"

Speakers there reportedly included Bernie Sanders, Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Julian Castro, and Jay Inslee. Though all seek the American presidency, none likely objected to We the People's celebration of  homicidal anti-American Shakur. Indeed, they may have chanted along.

Top Democrats' public embrace of a wormy philosophy profoundly hostile to the wholesome, free United States in which we all grew up illustrates undeniably their distance from patriotic Americans' minds and hearts, and unfitness to advance our defining principles and guide us honorably into future years.

That Democrats applaud communist Black Liberation Army loyalist Shakur reminds of Barack Obama's ties to bomber Bill Ayers, founder of the avowedly communist Weather Underground, and Hilary Clinton's devotion to notorious radicalism propagandist Saul Alinsky.

A look at the treasonous, murderous woman Sanders, et al fete is instructive.

In the 1970s, Assata Shakur was a member of the Black Liberation Army. Wikipedia records that the BLA was "a loosely-knit offshoot of the Black Panthers which led an armed struggle against the U.S. government through tactics such as robbing banks and killing police officers and drug dealers."

She was by 1973 sought by the FBI for her involvement in various criminal activities. And that year, Shakur was convicted of the murder of New Jersey State Patrolman Werner Foerster. 

In 1979 she escaped from imprisonment. She ultimately fled to communist Cuba, which welcomed her. She still lives there, hailed by the oppressive government as a political dissident.

Assata Shakur remains on the FBI's list of most-wanted fugitive terrorists. And Democrats today salute her.

A December 29, 2014 Chicago Tribune article * quoted Aaron Ford, identified as a special agent in charge of the FBI's Newark office: "While living openly and freely in Cuba, she continues to maintain and promote her terrorist ideology. She provides anti-U.S.-government speeches, espousing the Black Liberation Army's message of revolution and terrorism."

(In 2016, President Obama lifted America's traditional restrictions on business relations with and travel to Cuba. Once he subsequently assumed the presidency, Donald Trump properly restored them.)

Can there be anything more outrageous, stomach-turning, and nonsensical than Democrat presidential hopefuls unashamedly saluting Assata Shakur, who so hates the nation they would lead?

Last year, President Trump touched on his State of the Union address, while speaking before an Ohio. blue-collar crowd that had packed a reopened factory.  He recalled congressional Democrats' cold reactions to his enumerating good news for Americans on numerous fronts.

"Somebody said 'treasonous.' I mean, yeah, I guess. Why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean, they certainly didn't seem to love our country very much."

The 2020 presidential election will pit American nationalism against disloyalty.

* The Chicago Tribune essay, penned by Cuban-born In these Times columnist Achy Obejas, read much like a gushy fan letter for Castro's communist nation. It extolled the supposed virtues of Castro 'anti-U.S. racism' initiatives, and the communist dictator's outreaches to American blacks. The naive might think these splendidly humanitarian. And such dreck appeals to persons who romanticize left-wing political revolution. But those with historically informed knowledge-bases recognize the devious communist strategy of weakening adversarial countries by fomenting dissension within them. 


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