Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Cook County, Illinois State's Attorney Kim Foxx is Jussie Smollett-George Soros link
Soros' childhood Nazi collaboration recalled (60 Minutes video)

Wednesday, outlets told of Illinois State's Attorney Kim Foxx dropping all charges against Jussie Smollett. Smollett had claimed Trump supporters had committed a 'hate crime' against him. The Empire actor's unsupported allegation added to national hostility toward Trump backers. News media and entertainment figures already of that political prejudice rallied to his cause. 

Subsequently, his story fell apart. Friends confessed the 'crime' had been staged, that Smollett had paid them. Some speculated the TV actor had hoped visibility would gain him a pay raise from Empire producers.

To be fair, news readers couldn't know that Smollett's unsympathetic cohorts were credible. At a trial, both sides could produce such evidence and testimony they felt supported their argument. Because of Smollett's charge, considerable taxpayer monies and police man hours had been expended -- ones that should have been devoted to legitimate matters.

Though he was responsible for that waste, Smollett is not likely to repay Chicago citizens.

Police in that city were reportedly outraged by the State Attorney's dropping charges and her previously alleged interference into the investigation. TMZ claimed Foxx's interference was at the behest of Tina Tchen, a former Michelle Obama aide. According to TMZ, Foxx maintained contact with the Smollett contingent, apprising them of developments.

Smollett alone had made the assertion. Not only was it never substantiated, but accounts ultimately offered by his confederates beclouded the entire matter. There were no witnesses, nor videotape documentation. 'Presumption of innocence' applies to suspects, not those leveling charges.

Past reports in Breitbart, Politico, and elsewhere have noted infamous financier George Soros helped bankroll the 2016 Kim Foxx campaign.

Speaking of Soros..

Never forget this about George Soros

It may, in lofty economic reaches not glimpsed by this writer, be thought that questions of morality are irrelevant trifles to be ignored, and that macro matters of humanity are bloodless equations to be resolved however best advances global manipulators' vested concerns. 

George Soros is a billionaire patron of hideous interests like Planned Parenthood, abolition of national borders and sovereignty, and racial discord as urged by Black Lives Matter. 

A desiccated, death's-head Mr. Toad, Soros is said by critics to position the world's peoples and international affairs like a reptilian-blooded chess player, his amoral efforts calculated in a mostly obscured shadow land safeguarded by his kept mercenary army.
A December 20, 1998 60 Minutes interview revealed the particularly grisly, character-shaping WWII Nazi death camp-collaboration George Soros had as a 14 year-old perpetrated.

60 Minutes' Steve Kroft summarized that period:

When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros' father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube, and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But, knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews, he decided to split his family up. He bought them forged papers and he bribed a government official to take 14 year-old George Soros in and swear that he was his Christian godson. But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews.

A transcript records this Kroft / Soros exchange:

KROFT: "You're a Hungarian Jew who escaped the Holocaust by posing as a Christian."

SOROS: "Mm hmm."

KROFT: "And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps."

SOROS: "Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that's when my character was made."

KROFT: "In what way?"

SOROS: "That one should think ahead. One should understand and anticipate events and when one is threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it was a very personal experience of evil."

KROFT: "My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted grandson. Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews."

SOROS: "Yes. That's right. Yes."

KROFT: "I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?"

SOROS: "No. Not at all, not at all. Maybe as a child, you don't see the connection. But it was -- created no problem, at all."

KROFT: "No feeling of guilt?"

SOROS: "No."

KROFT: "For example: 'I'm Jewish, and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there. None of that?"

SOROS: "Well, of course I could be on the other side, or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was -- well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets. That if I weren't there -- of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would be taking it away, anyhow. And it was the -- whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator. The property was being taken away. So, I had no role in taking away that property. So, I had no sense of guilt."

That if I weren't there...somebody else would be taking it away, anyhow.

The rationale behind conscientious objection is not that spaces would left vacant by objectors' refusal to participate. But that objectors themselves would not help enable the process, and would sooner risk punishment than betray their own consciences.

Following WWII's end, Nazi scientists like Wernher Von Braun were smuggled into the US via Operation Paperclip, that American rocketry efforts might benefit. Single-minded mission-drive similarly took precedent over moral issues.

By accepting Soros' unashamed Nazi collaboration, that their parochial ambitions enjoy sustenance, modern-day American leftists have entered a compact with evil. Their subsequent endeavors are rotted by the association.
It is not clear whether George Soros has convinced himself of the delusion that he is not accountable for his admitted collaboration with the Nazis, or only claims as much for the benefit of contemporary interlocutors. If the former, he is himself a victim, in a peculiar and pathetic way.

But if the latter is accurate, it indicates the cold dispassion and self-obsessiveness of a monster.


Nazi collaboration, meet Fake News: A liberally corrupt 2016 Snopes.com entry (updated in 2018), classed the collaboration claim as "False," despite Soros' 60 Minutes admission. (So arrogant was Snopes.com's Soros apologist that he included a link to that interview, despite its contradiction of his scurrilous revision.) 

Snopes.com's essayist pressed the illogic that being an accessory to an action, and in full knowledge of its purpose, is somehow unrelated to it: "Yet the simple truth is that George Soros neither said nor did anything resembling what he has been accused of."

Snopes absolved Soros of shared moral culpability because he did not himself rob the bank, but 'merely' drove the getaway car. 

This essay originally appeared in my 2018 book, Ideas Afoot (Bromley Street Press)


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