Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cruz, others now blast Sims
Evidence of PA rep's earlier protest of VP Pence comes to light

This morning, USA Today noted Texas congressman Ted Cruz was savage in his righteous denunciation of anti-Catholic video-harasser Brian Sims.

"Hateful, angry state rep videoed himself offering a $100 dollar bounty for the identities of three teenaged girls praying outside Planned Parenthood," Cruz tweeted. "Will Dem Party condemn this abuse?"

Cruz also tweeted re Sims's subsequent verbal assault on an elderly Catholic woman who prayed the rosary in protest of a Planned Parenthood facility across the street from her.

"Wow," tweeted Cruz. "An elected Dem state rep, a 'College Football Captain,' videos himself (presumably he's proud of his behavior) harassing, insulting, and haranguing an elderly lady who quietly prays for him. In what universe are elected officials supposed to treat their constituents like this?"

In a Monday statement, according to USA Today, Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Val DiGiorgio said: "State Rep. Brian Sims's harassment of a woman's peaceful and religious exercise of her First Amendment rights is yet another example of a troubling trend of growing extremism and hypocrisy among Democrats.

Having met Rep. Sims, I am surprised at this episode of despicable conduct. Given the nature of his conduct, he owes an apology not just to the woman he harassed but to the people of Pennsylvania that expect more out of their public officials."

Sims's response to the spreading scandal gave no hope for an imminent apology:

"Bring it, Bible bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values."

A previous illustration of Sims's belligerence was his participation in a mob rally against Vice President Mike Pence. (Pence in 2018 visited Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square,)

Sims was so proud of his protest against the vice president, he posted the above photo on his Faceook page.

That he did that, and later posted the videos for which he's now being soundly condemned, hints that he misses the attention he got six years ago, when MSNBC called him.


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