Saturday, September 16, 2017

New York Times' Charles Blow urges American democracy's overthrow

Far and away, the majority of New York Times columnist Charles Blow's 9/14 "Dispatch from the resistance" consists of threadbare, deceitful, and baselessly slurring attacks on President Trump of the sort we've come to expect and duly reject from that notoriously peso-propped paper.

But one matter the perpetually dyspeptic key-puncher bannered does merit consideration -- though only for the soundly warranted purposes of disassemblage and ultimate disregard.

Blow argues at excessive length that partisan refusal to abide by the legitimate outcome of a democratic American election is in some manner noble. And, that never setting aside defiant noncompliance with democratic machinery, instead devoting oneself to crafting obstructionist blocks to smooth order, are duties to which all good men are summoned by some supposed higher moral code. 

That, in short, is a bratty rejection of democracy, in whose elections not all emerge victorious, nor sport gaudy and substanceless participation ribbons. 

In fact, it is worse than bratty. Much worse. It is effectively clambering atop a rioters-destroyed police cruiser and exhorting mobs to anarchic abandon of all order and structures that reasoning men hold high as culminations of societal evolution. 

By wrongfully appropriating the name "resistance" from European, WWII-era Nazi-fighters, contemporary U.S. leftists surely hoped to leech off of established good repute. (An acknowledgement by Antifa types that they are not legitimately due acclaim on their own merits.)

In Blow's writing, we see the true, ugly nature of the resistance. It advocates only destruction of the existing, while not articulating anything of seriousness that might rise in its stead. It constitutes thoughtless viciousness of the lowest and most animalistic type. 

And, despite Blow's preening pretension to the contrary, advocating brutish disorder -- whether by donning a mask and hurling bricks, or by tapping out foul journalistic urgings to overthrow -- is not patriotic by any legitimate definition.


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