Thursday, September 14, 2017

A matter of decency

It's happened, again: Progressive commentator Richard Fowler, appearing on Martha McCallum's Fox show, Tuesday night, blasted President Trump for allegedly disparaging a Gold Star Family during last year's campaign.

The four Americans killed in Benghazi also had loving families. Those families' grievous status was no less valid than that of the Khans.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had refused to respond to numerous, desperate entreaties sent her by the men trapped in Benghazi as shouting, murderous throngs assaulted them. Beyond reasonable dispute, Hillary allowed those Americans to be tortured and murdered. And her gushing Democratic apologists were not for one moment stayed from their support of her by that grisly truth. 

Those claiming concern for the Gold Star Khan family, while not showing similar, genuine, heartfelt sympathy for the families of the Benghazi killed, are crimson-palmed liars. 


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