Saturday, September 9, 2017

Texas lawyer Rob Ranco wishes sex crime on Trump Administration's Betsy DeVos 

For longer than one desires to reflect, grievous dispatches from warfare-wracked regions like the Democratic Republic of Congo have told of mass-scale, brutal rape being used as a tool for ideological repression, and geographic destabilization and conquest.  

But, the filthy idea that sexual assaults are a legitimate means for political advantage is not exclusive to primitive hell-holes.

Texas lawyer Rob Ranco, a partner in that state's Carlson Law Firm, recently tweeted that he would be "ok" with someone raping Betsy DeVos, United States Secretary of Education. DeVos had announced an end to the Obama-suggested collegiate 'Kangaroo Court' practice of routinely denying established Constitutional protections to students accused -- but not convicted -- of sexual assaults.

Ranco's despicable inclination to wish that a violent sex crime be perpetrated against a political adversary is entirely in keeping with the monstrous mindsets of repressive guerrilla terrorists elsewhere in the world. His grisly wish apparently received considerable online backlash, indicating that good people do indeed maintain Twitter accounts.

Rather than address his righteous critics, though, Ranco is reported to have deleted his account entirely and fled the scene.

At this writing, Ranco's present employer, the Carlson Law Firm, has not issued any statement whatsoever on the horrible business, indicating that the firm's administrators may not think it such a big deal. 

(Ranco's name was misspelled in the original version of this essay. It has been corrected.)


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