Breitbart's James Delingpole reported today that knuckle-dragging Islamic State brute-men and pinkish Hillary Cult adherents have begun cheering the mass-destructive Hurricane Irma, in hopes that Trump voters in its path will be killed.
Mainstream media, of course, is not interested in that revealing confluence of anti-Trump Revolution hatefulness. But, this other example shouts out for spotlighting:
During a recent interview intended to promote some silly film or other, actress and longtime President Trump smearer Jennifer Lawrence placed blame for recent hurricanes squarely on the President of the United States:
"You know, you're watching these hurricanes, now, and it's really hard -- while promoting this movie -- not to feel Mother Nature's rage and wrath."
Tellingly, mainstream media voices have given a pass to liberal Lawrence's smirked implication that a higher power was using inclement weather conditions to punish a nation's voters for daring to tread off the progressive plantation. Non-liberals who've ventured quite similar delusions from a different perspective have not enjoyed the winking indulgence stuff-shirted commentators have accorded Lawrence.
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank is doubtless familiar to anyone unwise enough to have purchased a copy of that paper. (Off balance with anti-Trump bias, the Post is kept afloat by shifty Amazon baron Jeff Bezos.) Milbank also is a frequent panelist on Chris Matthews' MSNBC Hardball show, a sort of lickspittles' round-table on which the bloated hack dispenses lusterless Democrat orthodoxies with mechanical tediousness.
In his 8/8 column, though, Milbank actually stumbled onto a reasonable enough point, ridiculing those religious figures who've sought to tie hurricanes to Divine Retribution for gay rights and abortion. (
But, nearly as soon as he'd made that decent observation, Milbank hied clumsily back into vacuous lib-land. He charged that religious voices who'd reasonably not blamed a Supreme Power for the hurricanes did so only because many of their donation check-drafting, ideological fellows live in now-impacted areas.
Of course, that's a foolish supposition, one indicating wee-small character. And, if I didn't know better, I'd think it had been offered by Jennifer Lawrence.
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