Sunday, September 3, 2017

"Basket of deplorables" parades, yet 

"Hillary Clinton's September, 2016 fundraiser smearing of Trump supporters portrayed her contempt for average Americans. Her nose aloft, she shoveled scripted scurrilousness on a posh, hospitable home-court of mega-dollar donkey donors.

"'You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'Basket of Deplorables,' right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it.'

"Her ice-blooded slamming-down of regular voters bespoke the snobbery that had before paraded without modesty in Barack Obama's own campaign rhetoric. To the wriggling delight of swooning adorers during his 2008 effort, he derided real-world voters. Such citizens, he spat, 'cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to express their frustrations.' (Obama would in 2016 recycle his attitudinally-remote detractions in Clinton's service.)" [From the present author's 2017 book, "That a Man Can Again Stand Up," published by Bromley.]

Many commentators at the time excoriated Hillary Clinton for her calculated "Basket of Deplorables" slurring of decent Americans who preferred that the free country their forebears had struggled to raise up not today be crushed under the totalitarian boot heel effectively championed by Obama/Hillary Democrats. 

In 2017, though, high-visibility progressives both in and out of government are echoing Hillary's campaign-event disdain for hard-working, tax-paying Real Americans. Consider their euphemistic variations on Clinton's slur, but be mindful that the underlying meaning is precisely that of her loathsome "Basket of Deplorables" formulation:

In an 8/24 statement he posted on Medium, Rep. Charles Schumer (D) thundered that policies Trump is pursuing -- sensible, America First ideas his tens of millions of nationwide voters had enthusiastically endorsed -- are of a piece with horrible hate group crimes. Schumer demanded President Trump disband the Election Integrity Commission. In Schumer's daft reckoning, ensuring that only legal, qualified citizens cast electoral ballots and help chart our country's course is a poisonous, violative act -- one to be  loudly decried before every available news camera. (Of course, this analysis assumes Schumer is sincere. Do not discount the possibility he is merely cavorting for the appreciation of his twisted fan club.)

In late March, on the House floor, California Rep. Maxine Waters (D) declared her disrespect for and refusal to acknowledge the duly-elected President of the United States. Of Trump's opponents and supporters, Waters sneered: "We're saying to those who say they are patriotic but they turned a blind eye to the destruction that he is about to cause this country, you are not nearly as patriotic as we are." (Presumably, Waters' claimed goodness is evidenced by her repeated calls for Trump's impeachment, despite the absence of legal cause, and her apparent uncaring for the unrectified decrepitude of the district she pretends to represent. Waters lives contentedly in a pricey, walled-off mansion outside that district.)

Absolutely ordinary actor Mark Ruffalo as much as spat on common Americans, walking hard in an anti-Trump march held in late August. "Marching into Trump Country to confront white supremacy," read Ruffalo's concurrent Instagram post. To sniffing progressive elitists like Ruffalo, "Trump Country" is a synonym for hatefulness; for regular and good-hearted folks to support the president only indicates otherwise-unestablished  'bigotry,' and must be crushed. Because tolerance.

Similar remarks smearing President Trump (and, by logical extension, his voters) have been made recently by impuissant office holders like John McCain and Lyndsey Graham;  pop-music fabrications like Katy Perry and John Legend; media miksops like Chris Matthews, Maureen Dowd, and Anderson Cooper; and the perpetually splenetic and publicity-avaricious Michael Moore (whose career seems headed into a distant sunset.) 

But, they are only a few of the powdered quislings boldly vocal of late in their despising of America, its Constitutional principles, and the common people who have always been its backbone.

When someone wrongly assails President Trump or policies he's long advocated as 'bigoted,' they are necessarily making that false allegation about every Trump supporter who heard him speak, evaluated his proposals, and subsequently voted endorsement. Such voices maintain that the 60 million-plus average American citizens in Trump's corner harbor values and perspectives patently contrary to American ideals.

(There can be an additional implication: That liberal partisans fancy themselves to be the common man's superior, possessing greater intellectual, ideological, and cultural sophistication. Those haughty delusions surely spring naturally to disconnected-by-choice bubble dwellers.)

Understanding the contemporary prevalence of Hillary's revealing, 2016 "Basket of Deplorables" slur is key to recognizing the despicable prejudice of today's common man enemies.


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