Monday, August 28, 2017

Media hacks knew Antifa rioters were snakes when they took them in

The Hill recently ran an informative essay by Ned Ryun, former George W. Bush advisor and CEO of American Majority.
("The real threat to our republic is the Orwellian Antifa" 8/27)

Ryun offered a list of Antifa protesters' crimes: "[T]earing down statues, burning the American flag, shutting down town hall meetings, destroying private property, and looting."

"Yet, the likes of CNN, and the New York Times, and the Washington Post spend much of their time touting the alt-Right threat," Ryun observed. "[M]ost mainstream media types are philosophically inclined toward anti-establishment organizations from the start; they see little wrong with crypto-fascist violence if the stated goals are in line with their own values systems."

(To ideological zealots, including those with bylines or teleprompters, offensive violence -- and not the legitimate, defensive variety -- is not invariably wrong. It can instead be cheered as justified, depending not on its own merits, but on antagonists' philosophical motivation. 'Extremism in the pursuit of resistance is no vice,' would seem to be their guiding faith.)

Fourth Estate approbation of political rioting, physical mayhem, and property destruction has only further encouraged masked and seditious miscreants. And increasingly, the masked monster whose germination the mainstream media enabled is now turning its unnatural fury on press room Dr. Frankensteins, themselves:

- On 8/13, Breaking911 tweeted: "Photojournalist assaulted while covering protest in Richmond, Virginia." Antifa later sought to justify the attack, maintaining ludicrously that the reporter didn't have their "consent" to chronicle the public event. In a subsequent statement, Antifa argued that the reporter persisted in filming, despite being told to cease. That journalistic independence, Antifa sniffed, was "disgusting and parasitic behavior."

- CNN's Jake Tapper tweeted on 8/16 that "At least two journalists in Charlottesville were assaulted by people protesting the Klan/Nazi/alt-right rally." Tapper added subsequently that said journalists required medical attention, with at least one hospitalized for several days.

- In an 8/27 Twitter post that included video, KTVU Fox2 reporter Leigh Martinez related that Berkeley protesters had that afternoon assaulted both she and her photographer. One alt-Left rioter hit the photographer, then dashed the camera to the street. Other protesters blocked cell phones and even stole and destroyed them. lest their images be recorded. Seditious street-swarmers bragged of their desires: "No Trump! No wall! No USA at all!"

- The Gateway Pundit noted that, at a San Francisco Antifa appearance the previous day, Leftist thugs in red-and-white "Frisco Resistance' t-shirts stole the camera-able cell phone held by independent journalist Nathan Stolpman. His practically teary protestations that he was not a "Nazi," and was in fact sympathetic to the scatter-witted and malicious Antifa, went unheeded. "Keep walkin'! You're not gonna get it back!" one thug sneered. Another advised the reporter to leave the public area "if you wanna be safe."

And mainstream media voices urge the public to believe that Trump supporters are imperiling the press?

Antifa, and the Resistance in general, evidence hostility toward not only democracy and national sovereignty, but also the very concept of a press that is free to observe, chronicle, and offer commentary on matters of public interest.

Resistance revolutionaries bent on toppling established systemic institutions, Ryun wrote in The Hill, "have little loyalty to even their most ardent supporters and enablers...The media like CNN and others on the Left coddling them should be careful; you can only embrace vipers for so long, before they turn on you."


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