Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Fundamental despoliation

Fundamental despoliation
America 2017 still under Obama's ominous spectre

To best grasp the song, ignore the distinct notes. Focus on the coldly dire melodic significance. 

"Now, Mizzou," said 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama to his college audience. "I have just two words for you, tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

He specified economic policies. But, as Breitbart's Joel B. Pollak later pointed out, Obama would backpedal on the radical chic "fundamentally transform" line.  

Had Obama truly been benign in his rhetoric, Pollak wrote, "he would have said 'restore,' instead of 'transform.'"

In 2017, per Obama's apparent wish, America is indeed being fundamentally transformed. And that's a very bad thing.

Before our eyes, traditionally defining, Constitutional ideals like citizens' rights to assembly, speech, bearing arms, and exercising democratic control over civil government are increasingly being challenged and even attacked.

Sedition enjoys a vogue only hinted at in moments past. Today, the destruction of American democracy is priority #1 for surging masses of violent, black-clad street terrorists, mainstream media bafflegabbers, power-protective establishment politicians, and button-down boardroom barons so obsessed with globalism as to visit ruination upon the sterling nation our ancestors struggled and suffered to create.

Average citizens' cultural, social, and even historic connections are reviled by oddball cretins at turns ignorant of and contemptuous toward America's historic status as robust defender of liberty, and a glorious experiment in self-governance. One that prizes the independently thinking individual over the featureless,
unremarkable collective herd.

In bomb-chucking warfare against all that, the despoiling Obama legacy endures. 


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