Sunday, August 13, 2017

The hate they love

The hate they love
Media, Democrats encourage anti-Americanism 

DC Larson

The MSM/Democrat axis of evil is presently assailing President Trump for not criticizing white hate groups in exactly the manner and to precisely the degree they today pounce to dictate.

Of course, they might boast actual credibility had they not already exhausted any recommendable reputation they might previously have claimed by, since Trump's candidacy announcement, lambasting his every utterance, and each action he's taken.

Bluntly, they've been crying wolf far too frequently to now be accorded serious regard. They are liars -- not sincerely principled -- and they are playing a very scummy game. Every intelligent observer knows that, and the honest ones will say so.

For example, I just did.

The ideal that all men are created equal, and that equality of justice and opportunity are guaranteed to every citizen, is at the heart of America's noble being. For the despicable KKK, or anyone of like-bent, poisonous passion, to advocate for racist philosophies is flatly contrary to the wonderful, true meaning of Americanism.

Here, each of us is every bit his fellow's equal. To argue otherwise is to be an enemy of America. End of discussion.

President Trump was indeed wise to underscore that hate exists "on many sides," though. For it does. But, in MSM and Democrat precincts, as illustrated by coverage selection and commentary in the hours following the horrific events in Charlottesville, only certain hate is condemned. 

Others, of similarly vile and unAmerican character, are allowed uncritical parade. 

Just as the fine equality ideal exists at the core of our national identity, so, too, do the principles of democratic self-governance and the freedom of all citizens to openly express ideas, regardless of popularity. 

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and their rioting comrades did not accept the legitimate election of Donald Trump. ("Not my president!," shouted streams of destructive simpletons in numerous cities.)

And organized efforts to "shut down" speakers not to progressive seditionists' liking have resulted in violence, arson, and denial of Constitutional rights. We've all seen the terrible footage.

So, President Trump was being fully accurate when he condemned "hate on many sides." Too many of those protesting the foul KKK, Nazis, et al in Charlottesville were themselves eager factors in the ensuing violent disorder. Perhaps they even attended with the intention of fomenting violence.

Infowars' Millie Weaver reported from Charlottesville, during the rioting. She observed counter-protesters from Antifa, etc, hurling bricks, bottles of urine, and spraying opponents directly in the eyes with noxious poisons.

"Punch a Nazi!," went one popular chant. Perhaps the media and Democrats heard it as "Kumbaya."

(Meanwhile, capturing succinctly the fraudulent nature of progressives' claimed ideal, was a sign proclaiming: "Tolerance does Not Mean Tolerating Intolerance" So much for respecting others' Constitutional rights. Suppression now means tolerance.)

Absolutely none of this was given even passing criticism from elite establishment mouthpieces like MSNBC, CNN, or Democrats loath to speak ill of Antifa and BLM, lest they alienate ballot box-support.

I'll make a prediction:

Given recent erasure of Confederate flags and related historical monuments -- and both the perpetual-motion nature of progressivism and the emboldened BLM sorts, none of whom are going back into obscurity -- the Stars and Stripes will in future days come under attack.

The argument will probably be along such lines as: 'Slavery existed under the American flag, as did other types of discrimination. [Never mind that all were properly dispatched under the same American flag, which also flew over successful efforts against Nazism and Communism.]

'A new age has dawned,' may run the rhetoric. 'So, America needs a new flag. We must make a total break with all that came before.

'And, maybe even a new national name, while we're at it...'

Those of media and political influence who do not explicitly condemn both hates cannot believably reject either. Just as racism is to be despised as contrary to America's fundamental character, so must agitations against democracy and the First Amendment.

Trump: 1. Elites (once again): 0.


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