Friday, February 17, 2017

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and MSNBC's Katy Tur slur Steve Bannon. Both offensive, with Tur the more egregious.

On Friday, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries was interviewed by MSNBC host Katy Tur. He told her that White House chief strategist and senior counsel Steve Bannon should not be allowed to attend any future meeting between President Trump and Black Congressional Caucus members.

Without citing even one example, Jeffries smeared Bannon as a "stone-cold racist" and a "white supremacist-sympathizer."

To her discredit, Tur did not challenge those demeaning characterizations.Nor did she insist Jeffries provide substantiation. Her indulgence of politics-minded slurrer Jeffries cannot surprise anyone familiar with her ideologically slanted dirty work.

Congressman Jeffries is known as a racial tumult-manufacturing ballot-counter. In December, 2014, he made a House floor show of the "Hands up, don't shoot" fiction that never really happened in thug Michael Brown's assaulting of police officer Darren Wilson.

Then, as in his more recent, deceitful MSNBC foolishness, Jeffries is handspringing for the benefit of dyspeptic constituents. He may, then, be dismissed from further serious consideration.

But, Tur's is the more troubling case. Citizens rely upon reporters to provide them with clear, accurate portrayals of subjects important to their exercise of democratic participation. 

Those citizens, frankly, would do well to avoid Tur and MSNBC, entirely.

Now, I have no clue which MSNBC executives decided to not employ a sober-minded, true journalist, in favor of the giggly and cotton-brained Tur. 

Often, a smirk slinks about her lips, during even discussions of the most serious matters. It betrays Tur's  unseemly frivolousness in the midst of weighty, adult matters.

Her affectedly lightweight manner, unabashed political prejudices, and, now, uncritical acquiescence to electorally-scheming Congressman Hakeem Jeffries' unfounded slurring of Bannon, she handily exemplifies why Trump is so right about the political press. 


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