Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Andrea Mitchell interviewed Bill Kristol on MSNBC's 11/16 Andrea Mitchell Reports. She noted that a Breitbart headline once referred to Kristol as a "renegade jew." 

"I don't know what that means," Mitchell muttered.

The May 15 piece was about six months old at the time Mitchell cited it. It was that day still available online. So, there was no need to "not know" that the piece's author, David Horowitz, described Kristol in that way to characterize his hostility toward Iran opponent Trump, and support of a Democrat party sympathetic to Iran -- which had pledged to destroy Israel and "drive Jews into the sea" -- as inimical to jewish state interests. 

Mitchell pretended to not grasp that phrase's true meaning. I don't believe she honestly did not know it, but was deceitfully pretending at obtuseness. That allowed continued life for the scurrilous implication that the phrase was employed as a slur. 

Her pretended ignorance also shielded Mitchell, Kristol, and liberals in general from considering the anti-Israel/pro-Iran tenor of Democrat policies. 

For his part, ever-beaming wretch Kristol characteristically misrepresented the Breitbart article.


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