Tuesday, October 4, 2016

CNN's Brian Stelter joins in WaPo ridicule of mentally ill. 
Because politics.

Washington Post writer Stephanie McCrummen recently ridiculed a mentally ill woman who supports the candidacy of Donald Trump. The writer's unveiled implication was that all Trump backers are similarly worthy of nose-wrinkled sport.

McCrummen's vile ridicule was not merely incidental to her article, but was instead its raison d'etre.

In a recent essay, here, I held that Washington Post piece up to deservedly negative critical observation.(http://americanscenemagazine.blogspot.com/2016/10/no-conscience-cruelty-wapos-stephanie.html) But, as I've just now learned, tongue-protruding bigot McCrummen has at least one odd endorser.

In a 10/4 tweet, CNN's Brian Stelter gushed admiringly of McCrummen's dirty business:

This is why 's recent story is one of the most important stories of '16 Virtual lies hurt real people.
My own blog essay appraisal of Stephanie McCrummen's foulness had been appropriately acidic: 

"McCrummen doesn't explicitly say 'basket of deplorables.'" I wrote, "But such maggoty, segregationist prejudice marks her disdainful prose at each turn.

"Throughout her toxically dispositioned article, McCrummen ladles generously the mental illness slurring. [Article subject Melanie] Austin, the writer stage-whispers in shocked tone to her readers, relies upon anxiety medication, has been diagnosed with depression and PTSD, and was once involuntarily hospitalized."

To regular viewers of cable news, Stelter's soggy liberal prejudices are notorious. Indeed, so pronounced are they as to compromise his attempted media analyses and earn him the opprobrium of fair-minded industry peers.

So, while I've long understood CNN's Brian Stelter to be of dubious ethicalness, this is the first I've learned that he enjoys a good belly-laugh at the expense of the mentally ill.


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