Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kathy Shelton and Ricky Ray Rector
Two people Hillary Clinton would hope you never hear about

Kathy Shelton

                    (Earlier this year, Kathy Shelton was interviewed by the UK paper Daily Mail.)

Kathy Shelton was in 1975 an unassuming Arkansas 12 year-old. Her innocence was stolen from her by perverted adult Thomas Alfred Taylor. 

He raped the little girl. 

Taylor's cause was taken up by then-lawyer Hillary Clinton. It was her first case. Taylor was ultimately convicted, but not before Hillary had perpetrated a vicious courtroom attack on the little abuse survivor.

We all understand that a person accused of a crime has the constitutional right to counsel. And that the burden of proof rests properly with the state. No citizen should be convicted of a legal offense and suffer penalty unless prosecutors present a convincing, unimpeachable case.

But when interviewed some five years after that trial, when she was no longer bound by ethical constraint and could freely speak her personal opinion, Hillary Clinton laughed; the predatory sexual deviant Taylor, with her learned and lettered assistance, had succeeded in fooling the polygraph.

Clinton herself had all along been confident of her foul client's guilt. But she'd cagily exploited a technicality to win him a substantial reduction at sentencing. 
(An audio clip of this interview was uncovered and made available by the Washington Free Beacon:

Elementary school student Shelton had after the brutal assault required considerable surgical attention and was never able to have children. For her part, Hillary Clinton went on to cast herself before cheering campaign crowds as a principled, 'advocate for girls and women.'

Ricky Ray Rector

  (Painting by Derek Kosbab)

In his 4/28/2015 Politico article, "Hillary Clinton's forgotten death penalty shift," writer Adam B. Lerner observes that onetime execution opponents Bill and Hillary had no difficulty reinventing themselves as enthusiastic death penalty champions when political fortune dictated they do so.


From Politico:

"The Clintons' full approval of the death penalty was underscored on Jan. 24. 1992, less than a month before the New Hampshire primary that made Clinton the 'comeback kid.' Clinton had flown back to Little Rock to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a man who had lobotomized himself in an attempted suicide. On that night, as Rector's executioners struggled to insert the needle for lethal injection, Newsday reported that a clemency request came as Bill and Hillary were preparing for an interview with Gennifer Flowers."

So irrevocably mentally impaired was Rector that, as guards ushered him to the death chamber, he requested that he be allowed to finish his last meal upon returning.

Commentators at the time called it Bill's 'Willie Horton moment.' With that single, politically-schemed stroke, he illustrated to voters his complete lack of respectable character and capacity for racial demonization. (These dubious traits would later be portrayed by his presidential pushing of mass incarceration legislation, effectively disappearing much of an entire generation of black men to the prison plantation and destroying their families' lives.)

It goes without remark that no one can reasonably be deemed culpable for their spouse's misbehavior. But here's why all this is today very relevant: Hillary's 2016 position of influence and electoral viability is founded, partly, on the Clintons' shared past.

So, what was Hillary's reaction to her Arkansas governor husband's reptilian and politically-prompted killing of the mentally enfeebled Rector? Did she decry that forsaken prisoner's execution as loudly and spiritedly as she had championed the cause of child rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor?

Hardly. Politico's Lerner noted that, "Hillary never spoke of it."


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