Wednesday, September 28, 2016

No getaway car fast enough:
Trump attacker Alicia Machado's vile past follows her

During their 9/27 debate at Hofstra University, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of calling swelled beauty pageant contestant Alicia Machado "Miss Piggy."

Machado, currently in the news as a bouncing Hillary advocate, was tenderly interviewed the next evening by anti-Trump CNN host Anderson Cooper. 

He does not seem especially stupid. (On the other hand, Machado certainly does.) So I assume he was quite aware of the ethical wrongness of his generally sympathetic and deferential treatment of Machado, which included granting her uncritical platform.

She spent most of the interview gazing into space and giving rambling, slow-motion responses to Cooper's leading questions about Trump and his alleged "Miss Piggy" quip of decades ago.

But when Cooper lightly broached the topic of Machado's seamy past, which includes an allegation of her abetting a Venezuelan murder and threatening to kill a judge in that country, she was airily dismissive. 

Everyone has a past, she said. Besides, that was a long time ago.

Had he intended to do a good and fair job, Cooper would at that point have asked his moonstruck guest: 'If the passage of years made your past misdeeds unimportant, why do you argue Trump's old words are today noteworthy?'

Of course, the mousy cable news host asked nothing even approaching that. 

Then too, he might have challenged Machado on another point. She makes much of her fine belief that girls and women should live free from threats of abuse.

But how, then, he could have asked, can you support Hillary Clinton, considering her acceptance of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Qatar, and other countries in which the oppression, abuse, rape, and outright murder of girls and women is accepted and a matter of regular occurrence? 

But slicing through the benighted Machado's howlingly obvious, propagandistic chatter to divine objective truths hardly seemed Cooper's ambition. 

The powdered and manicured fellow is, after all, in the employ of CNN. 

I grabbed an excerpt from Machado's Wikipedia page on 9/27. (It may later be cleansed to her deceptive benefit.) 

Personal life[edit]

In January 1998, Machado was accused in court of aiding in an attempted murder in Venezuela, in a shooting for which her boyfriend at the time was indicted. According to the Associated Press, Machado was accused in court documents in Caracas of driving her boyfriend from the scene of the shooting. She was not indicted due to insufficient evidence, although her boyfriend was indicted and the judge stated that there were no alibi witnesses for Machado.[3][4] According to Reuters, the judge presiding over the case subsequently accused Machado of threatening to kill him during the proceedings via her friendship with the president of Venezuela, saying: "she [said] she would make sure, using her friendship with the president (Rafael Caldera), that my career as judge is ruined and then she would kill me."[5]
In 2005, Machado was engaged to baseball star Bobby Abreu. During their engagement she was on the Spanish reality show La Granja, where she was filmed on camera during the show having sex with another member of the show, Spanish driver Fernando Acaso. She was expelled from the show and shortly after the video surfaced Abreu ended their engagement.[6][7]
On June 25, 2008, Machado gave birth to her daughter, Dinorah Valentina. She issued a statement that the father of Dinorah was her best friend Mexican businessman Rafael Hernandez Linares. Mexican news sources, quoting the Attorney General of Mexico, reported that the real father of her child was Gerardo Alvarez-Vazquez, the Mexican drug lord, of the paramilitary drug-cartel Los Negros.[8] The christening of her child was subsequently attended by the chief members of the Beltran drug cartel (the Beltrán-Leyva Cartel), including the cartel's “boss of bosses” Arturo Beltrán Leyva, his brother Héctor Beltrán Leyva and the drug-lord Edgar Valdez Villarreal, “La Barbie”.[9]
On November 24, 2010, BBC Mundo confirmed that Machado had to close her Twitter account after writing a tweet that called for "peace between the Chinas", referring to North and South Korea.[10] Her gaffe unleashed a rush of insulting posts, prompting her to go offline. "I now have a lot of psychopaths on the account and it's best I start another one, kisses," she signed off, according to Venezuelan media.[11]
In 2016, she has been a strong supporter of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.[12]
In May 2016, Machado became a U.S. citizen.[13] She has spoken out many times against Donald Trump, who, during her year as Miss Universe, had called her "Mrs. Piggy" because she gained weight and "Mrs. Housekeeping" because of her Hispanic background (according to the Clinton campaign).[14] Trump said she was the [15]
Machado was mentioned by Hillary Clinton during the first 2016 presidential debate, on September 26.[15][16]

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