Sunday, September 11, 2016

The media bias secret parade

In December of last year, CNN's media critic Brian Stelter interviewed Katrina Pierson, of the Trump campaign.

BRIAN STELTER: "I did see that last night, Trump said that Katy Tur, the NBC correspondent who was there [at Trump rally ] should be fired. I can't remember another campaign, another candidate, that would call for a reporter to be fired."

The Gateway Pundit recently reported (9/10) that Daily Mail Political Editor David Martosko was "attacked online by current and former aides to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for commenting about Clinton's tired, listless appearance at a press conference..."

"Delete your account," tweeted Clinton's traveling press secretary Nick Merrill to Martosko.

An endorsement for Martosko's firing was tweeted by Adam Parkhomento, former Clinton state coordinator, now National Field Director for the Democrat Party.

"You shouldn't have a job in the morning," Parkhomento typed.

Of course, by not reporting the fresh Clinton campaign attacks on the Daily Mail's Martosko as it had last year's Trump/Tur matter -- or condemning them as that network's Brian Stelter had condemned Trump's call re Tur -- CNN would be providing additional evidence for the charge of media bias.

Not that the potential would cause that network to reform.


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