Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Jesse Commandment: 'Thou Shalt Lie'

It wasn't necessary for Jesse Jackson to reaffirm his mendacious tendency, willingness to exploit racial matters for partisan political advantage, and all-around lack of moral character. But he recently did so, just the same.

In an 8/31 essay in Counterpunch, "The Politics of Bigotry: Trump and the Black voter," Jackson accused the GOP candidate of using "a foghorn of racism, religious bigotry, sexism, and homophobia."

Tellingly, the opportunistic founder of Rainbow/Push offered no criticism at all of Hillary and Bill Clinton's history of greedily accepting millions in contributions from nations like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and Qatar that as matters of both law and custom oppress, jail, and kill women and gays. Nor of Hillary's 2016
endorsement by a KKK leader, unrepentant receipt of a Klan campaign contribution of some $20,000. Or her salutes to one-time KKK recruiter/later congressional Democrat Robert Byrd.

In his counterfeit Counterpunch diatribe, the reverend assailed what he termed Trump's "personal history" of opposition to minorities.

But turn back the clock: Jackson had nothing but praise for Donald Trump in February '98. He introduced him at a Rainbow/Push Coalition Wall St Conference, noting that Trump had historically given important assistance to minority efforts in the building trade, and had provided office space for Jackson's racial justice organization.

"He gave us space at 40 Wall St," Jackson recalled. "Which was to make a statement about our having a presence there."

(Earlier this month, the Daily Caller ran a relevant piece:      

Jackson introduced Trump, hailing him as "a friend," and a model for "people on Wall St. to represent diversity." He told the audience that Trump had been invited to speak on "the challenges and opportunities to embrace under-served communities." 

"In terms of reaching out and being inclusive, he's done that, too," Jackson also said of Trump, that day. "He has this sense of the curious and a will to make things better...Aside from all of his style, and his pizzaz, he's a serious person who is an effective builder of people."

Of course, none of those previously offered laudatory sentiments turned up in the reverend's fraudulent Counterpunch smear. Those pondering whether Jackson can ever be believed should remember that his voiced opinions are mutable, turning on the perceived political, racial, and commercial requisites of the moment.

He is a veteran of deceitful posturing. And his history, unlike Trump's own, is replete with examples of detestable bigotry:

* While at a Southern restaurant during the 1960s civil rights era, he spat in the food of white customers. 

* The morning following the horrible assassination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Jackson appeared on Chicago TV wearing a blood-smeared turtleneck. King's blood, Jackson claimed. A 1988 New York Times article noted that, "some King associates, still bitter, have accused Mr. Jackson of exaggerating or fabricating his role after the assassination." And it quoted then-Mayor Ed Koch dismissing Jackson as a liar exploiting the tragedy "in a way that was false and to feather his own nest." For its part, the Jackson campaign declined comment to the paper.

* In the midst of one of his two unsuccessful early '80s presidential campaigns, he freely slurred NYC as "Hymietown."

* One magazine profile in those years observed the odd Jackson household custom of meal time gender segregation: Men in the dining room, women in the kitchen.

* His later chosen racket, shaking down racism charge-fearing, deep-pockets corporations has been extensively chronicled in both magazines and books.

*Lastly, not many years ago, the sourly jealous reverend was picked up on a live mic, muttering of successful candidate Obama that he wanted to "cut his nuts off."

Jackson's own nasty and hateful resume truly merits the condemnation he today misapplies to Trump. He should be honest, and concede as much. 

And then shut up.


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