Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Thoroughly Monstrous Matthews

In her heartfelt and wrenching Republican convention oration, grieving mother Patricia Smith, who'd lost son Sean in the Benghazi attack, made plain the rightful object of her blame:

"I blame Hillary Clinton," declared a shaking, distraught Smith. "I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son!"

That rushing-blooded storminess was much too much for one creepy MSNBC Hillary worshipper.

The bereft mother's emotion-charged words were, in the sniffing estimation of Chris Matthews, "A gross distortion." 

"I don't care what that woman up there felt, the mother," huffed squawking head Matthews. 

("That woman." The phrase is meant to distance and depersonalize a victimized subject. One is here put in mind of predatory deviant Bill Clinton's insistence: "I did not have sex with that woman!")

The Republicans, sneered Matthews, had "ruined their evening" by allowing grieving mother Smith a place on the stage.

I have never claimed to understand Chris Matthews's strange orientation toward poison-charactered cackling pear Hillary Clinton. The reptilian heart wants what it wants, I suppose.

And, were it not for forcible obnoxiousness, Chris Matthews would have no purchase on personality. One can without strain imagine him growling from a mouth-corner, "I'm talking about the building and loan!"

A generously moon-faced cable news media specimen, he sports a thinning, drive-by haircut and regularly offends ears with a Woody Woodpecker bark-laugh.

But this constitutionally rebarbative spew-pot did once pretend at decentness, in this memorial to his own deceased mother. She had suffered alzheimers. Matthews set to one side -- momentarily -- his moral and ethical grubbinesss. 

Given his despicable, televised assault on grieving mother Patricia Smith, though, we understand his hand-wringing here to be of fraudulent nature: 


Chris Matthews, like Hillary, simply is without goodness.


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