Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Daily Beast: US campaign rhetoric 'terrorism,' but not radical Islamic murders

In a 3/8 essay, "Trump Rants Terrorize U.S. Muslim Capitol," Daily Beast Senior Correspondent Tim Mak redefines 'terrorism' to mean political speech that onlookers find disquieting.

"Muslim Americans have already felt persecuted and targeted since 9/11," agonizes Mak, his priorities a mess. He does not bother with the 3000 American casualties of that real terrorist attack. Or victims of the more recent Paris and San Bernadino ones.

The pictures below are horrifying. This is what real terrorism looks like. Its evil name should not be twisted by irresponsible partisans into a gimmicky device for campaign-year rhetorical marginalization.

Donald Trump is right: It is a vile, globe-imperiling assault that champions of freedom must crush.


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