Thursday, February 25, 2016

Liberals who love to hate
Anti-racists are the best allies hate groups ever had

Recent days have brought two examples of liberals propping up the specter of racist bogeymen where none actually loom.

EXAMPLE ONE: An hysterical 2/25 Buzzfeed essay written by Andrew Kaczynski: "David Duke Urges His Supporters To Volunteer and Vote For Trump."

This is not the first time the all-around odiferous and bottom-feeding Duke has pathetically scrambled for media gaze by attempting to associate himself with world-class legend Trump. Trump has publicly renounced the support of Duke, and all PACs. But liberal voices like Buzzfeed rush to promote that poverty row-hate profiteer's every asinine utterance.  

Again, Trump properly distances himself from right-wing haters, whose advocacy he never requested. It is the click-baiting, liberal press, pretending at racial scrupulousness, that keeps hate groups on life support. 

(I have wished that Trump would be more forceful in his denunciations. But I see the argument that further addressing unsolicited paeans would put the subject 'on the table,' and encourage greater attention and conversation. None of which was ever initiated by the candidate, and which would distract from his own messages.)

EXAMPLE TWO: A photo of two hooded "KKK" protesters has gone viral. The pair wave signs outside a Las Vegas Trump event:

But -- a Klansman with a black hand? That didn't give pause to the breathlessly galloping, anti-Trump online crusaders?

The other's placard notes the "New England Police Benevolent Association," which did endorse Trump some time back. Didn't credulous sorts wonder even for one moment why "KKK" protesters in Las Vegas would concern themselves with a New England police organization? 

(A spokesman for the Benevolent group stressed to reporters that they were not in any way associated with the alleged "KKK" members. He speculated it might be an attempt to smear policemen and the Trump campaign in one swipe. Perhaps some personal grievance against the New England organization, itself, also figured in.)

In September, 2015, Democrats protesting Trump also donned Klan drag:

Understand this: By promoting rightly marginal haters like Duke, and fraudulently dressing up as the "KKK" out of political and anti-police motives, liberals are giving undue life spark and prominence to a sentiment they profess to abhor. 

The good news is that in 2016, hate groups are few. Why ever would their claimed opponents strive to perpetuate them?

Easy: Power. 


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