Sunday, January 17, 2016

Des Moines Register vs Iowa:
Trump Hate Begets Ugly Bedfellows

Remember Liz Mair? 

The Des Moines Register apparently now favors her, despite tweeted slurs of Iowa that resulted in Mair's last year's dismissal from the now-defunct Scott Walker effort.

What a difference a little time and a lot of shared prejudice has made. Besides, Mair is no longer affiliated with any Republican candidate, and is a vocal (if feckless) opponent of Trump. So, in Register columnist Jennifer Jacob's eyes, apparently, Mair is suddenly a reputable source. 

In her 1/17 column, "Attack! Why next two weeks could get nastier than ever" (, Jacobs quoted Mair to make a case against Trump's electoral viability. Without mentioning those inconvenient, unpleasant anti-Iowa tweets:

"Morons across America are astounded to learn that people from Iowa grow up rather government-dependent #agsubsidies #ethonol #brainless," Mair had tweeted on January 22, 2015. Two days later, she wrote, "The sooner we remove Iowa's frontrunning status, the better off America's politics and policy will be."

At that time, Jacobs wrote critically in her Register column of Mair's tweets; in fact, I've quoted them from that very column.

I understand Trump has criticized the Des Moines Register's coverage and ethics. And that the paper has seemingly pressed its every resource into action against him. Reporters, editors, columnists -- even cartoon and letter to the editor selections -- are unfailingly hostile to him.

But the paper is now quoting Liz Mair's anti-Trump animus without reminding Iowa readers of her tweets against the state, its caucuses, and its residents?

This dirtiness reinforces Trump's characterization of many political reporters as "dishonest."


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