Monday, January 4, 2016

Call a crime a crime.
MSM/pols cover for Clintons, attack victims and Trump

After Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump as "sexist" for several remarks he had made, the billionaire Republican candidate declared Bill Clinton's sordid past -- and Hillary's own role in routinely enabling it and viciously attacking her husband's alleged victims -- to be a legitimate campaign 2015 topic. 

The response to Trump's declaration from liberal politicos and their shills in the mainstream media showed their insensitivity and insincerity on this important matter.

"We have more things to worry about than Bill Clinton's sex life." 
Bernie Sanders, ABC's This Week 1/3.

"You say you're going to make us great again. Is part of making us great again getting down in the weeds with Bill Clinton and his sex life?"
- CNN New Day's Chris Cuomo, to Donald Trump 1/4.

"Sex life?"

Sexual harassment is not a legitimate, personal "sex life" matter. It is a crime, and the public has a right to know about it - just as we have the right to any other criminal or public records information. 

That is so for elected officials like Bill Clinton just as for any of the rest of us under the law.

Contrary to the implied assertions of Sanders, Cuomo, et al, victims of sexual harassment are hardly willing participants in their victimizers' "sex lives." They deserve relief, respect, and recognition as wronged individuals - not callous smears, winking euphemisms, and partisan disregard.

Even ostensibly consensual political office extramarital affairs are problematic in several ways: They cannot be known as fully consensual, given the inherent power imbalance between boss and employee. They can involve misuse of public funds. And, of course, such open up an elected figure to potential blackmail.

These are things the public has every right to know about, that we can make subsequent voting decisions accordingly.

Again, Bill Clinton's seamy offenses are of relevance in the 2015 nomination campaign due to candidate Hillary's enabling them and attacking his victims.

Sexual harassment, assault, and rape are crimes. They are not part of Bill Clinton's private "sex life," and should not be given a pass by Sanders, Cuomo, and other Hillary supporters.


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