Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Josh Earnest's donkey-hoof-in-mouth moment
Jabs at Trump, but exposes Dems
Obama White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on 12/8 snickered that Donald Trump's campaign "has had a dustbin-of-history quality to it, from the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair..."

The "fake hair" charge was long ago disproved, though that obviously matters not to small-charactered political axe-hefters.
In other circumstances, of course, liberals like Earnest decry observations about candidates' appearance. How many times have we heard commentators fulminate over judgements offered on women politicians' hairstyles and attire?

But when the subject is a member of the 'other team,' appearance derision is gleefully ladled. And the stunning ease with which someone like Earnest deploys otherwise condemned personal remarks indicates that such do not truly ever bother them, but are instead decried or availed depending on political need.

Besides, to be consistent, Democrats would now have to reject the support of any and all Americans wearing toupees, wigs, weaves, extensions, or dyes. (And to be painfully technical, isn't hair cutting and styling "fake?")

Does anyone recall Democrats ridiculing Joe Biden's hair plugs?

At a loss of words, Josh?


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