Friday, August 28, 2015

  1. Variety Smears Donald Trump with invented invective 

  2. In an August 28 Variety article, "Latin Grammys Ask Donald Trump to 'Discontinue His Affront' on Latinos," News Editor Marianne Zumberge did not even feign objectivity - or honesty.
  3. “In the wake of Donald Trump’s slew of negative comments about the United States’ Latino population..." was how Zumberge opened her disingenuous smear piece. The Variety writer actually palmed off that poisonous fiction as fact though it sounded like a quote from some zealous activist’s canned street-corner patter.
    Of course, Trump never made any such comments. He has criticized illegal immigration and related criminality, including murders. To imply as Zumberge does that those are legitimate components of the "Latino community" (which they of course are not) is genuine racial bigotry.

  4. Simply advocating observance of existing laws and the ensuring of sufficient border security hardly qualifies as an "affront" to an entire community, or a form of bigotry, at least not to reasonable people. To claim otherwise as Zumberge does is more than just ridiculous. It cheapens a legitimate issue and seems to sympathize with an anarchic ‘no laws’ attitude.
  5. The Variety writer also claims against evidence (the video now abounds online) that Univision's Jorge Ramos was innocently asking questions of Trump before being ejected from the 8/25 Dubuque, Iowa press conference.
  6. In honesty, though, the intentionally hostile, disruptive cause advocate read numerous “You can’t” declarative statements. None were questions, nor did he cite sources for the statistics he shoehorned into his hectoring.
  7. I understand having a point of view. But Marianne Zumberge editorialized, going so far as to lie to Variety readers.
    Of course, considering her apparent ease with unethical posturing, it is small wonder that she lionizes the reprehensible Ramos.


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