Saturday, August 1, 2015

Aberrant, brackish, and wholly unneeded

Rutgers University's pro-terror Professor Deepa Kumar has of late come under intense, wide-lens criticism. The catalyst was a recent tweet in which the bent, bespectacled academic asserted that "Yes, ISIS is brutal, but the US is more so, 1.3 million killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan."

Of course, all deaths are to be lamented. And not all wars are just. But it takes a particular sort of ideological imbecile to blur warfare concerning established national combatants and raggedy terrorism mobs whose tactics are viciously foul, whose targeted victims are innocent noncombatants, and whose only goal is monomaniacal theological oppression.  

Apparently somewhat knowledgeable in the ways of deceitful propagandizing, Kumar made no mention of such ISIS habits as mass rapes and throwing gays from building tops (atrocities not attributable to the supposedly worse U.S.). 

It may be that Deepa Kumar finds those horrors acceptable. Sane, good people do not.

The frizzy, oddball lecturer also has not, to this author's knowledge, laid out a time plan for leaving behind her comfortable, tenured post at Rutger's in the hated America to take up housekeeping in any backward terrorist Hell hole.

I do have a possible theory as to why Deepa Kumar (and her few campus-crawling comrades) find terrorists in general and ISIS in particular to be beyond condemnation. 

A truth about racial prejudice is that for some, believing stereotypes to be plausible is easy when living in isolation. With no practical experience against which to judge them, stereotypes can seem fair, accurate.

Deepa Kumar, to my knowledge, has never lived in an uncivilized terrorist milieu. And so, with no balancing practical knowledge and trusting entirely upon airy, abstract theorizing, she concludes foolishly and without the slightest crumb of reality-grounded sense.

Of course, I may be unwarrantedly generous. Deepa Kumar may well simply be very stupid.  


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