Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Iowa's largest paper silent on Steinle murder
Despite Dem pres. candidates' "Sanctuary City" backing

On July 1, San Francisco woman Kathryn Steinle was murdered by illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez. Sanchez was a seven-time felon and five-time deportee, but he was free and on the street thanks to San Francisco's "Sanctuary City" law.

Iowa's Des Moines Register - the state's largest paper, owned by the Gannett corporation - has numerous compelling reasons to cover that murder: The paper often highlights abuse of women issues. It also loudly touts the supposed American rights of illegal immigrants.

And, of course,  Iowa holds the nation's first 2016 presidential race nomination caucus. Every single Democrat aspirant - Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, and Jim Webb - has a record of supporting Sanctuary-type policies, and they are these days frequent habitues of the Hawkeye State.

But despite those solid journalistic recommendations, the notoriously liberal, donkey-solicitous Des Moines Register has carried a whopping zero mentions of Sanchez's murder of Steinle. It can reasonably be guessed that the paper would not ask frontrunner Hillary about the Steinle murder/Sanctuary City matter, even were the "women's rights" handshaker deigning to answer reporters' queries.

I emailed Kathie Obradovich, the Des Moines Register's chief political columnist. I advised her I might write on this and asked whether she and the Register would be covering the murder, the larger issue of Sanctuary City laws, and how all this might affect the presidential nomination contest presently underway in Iowa.

It certainly cannot be said that Obradovich lacks interest in writing about immigration matters. Only last June 28, she devoted an entire column to a pro-immigration group's poll claiming majorities of Iowa Republicans supported "path to citizenship" or residency goals. That column reflected the paper's bent.

Though some 48 hours have passed, I have not received any response from Obradovich. And according to the Des Moines Register's own search engine, it still has not so much as briefly mentioned the Kathryn Steinle murder.



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