Monday, June 15, 2015

The crack-pot ideology made flesh

Progressives  have for decades denied philosophical opponents' racial and gender realities; Clarence Thomas was "not really black," and Phyllis Schlafly "not really a woman." Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, though, plainly merit those designations.

That argument implied that race and gender were not characterized by objective, observable physical characteristics, but rather by "proper" ideas and values.

By that standard - and only by that standard - can Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner be classed as a woman. And only by it does white Rachel Dolezal qualify as black.

The two are physical manifestations of the utterly political notion that there are no objective and immutable human realities. That all aspects can be reshaped and redefined, as suits the person in question and the fancies of the day.

They personify the idea that political ideology is supreme, a definer of each part not only of our world, but ourselves -- who we are or can be -- and that no immutable characteristics stand.

Racial, ethnic, and gender identities, then, are not determined by birth, but by belief. And they are just malleable identity-vehicles for political navigation.

Only someone sincerely disinterested in legitimate racial and gender concerns, and caring about those groups only insofar as they can be exploited to advance ideological ambitions, would wave what amounts to an illusory 'mind over matter' banner.  

(At the same time, judging exclusively by appearance is not wise, as we are each comprised of various racial influences.)

If Bruce/Caitlyn and Rachel seem laughable to reasonable observers, well. then perhaps Clarence Thomas really is a black man, and Phyllis Schlafly genuinely a woman.


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