Monday, May 18, 2015

MSNBC's anti-police Twitter circus
by DC Larson

According to a recent news story, an investigating 
GA policeman was dragged along a roadway by a

MSNBC jumped onto Twitter, asking, "Does it
count as a police chase if you drag the cop along
for the ride?" MSNBC posted accompanying
video footage of the assault - with an added
circus-music soundtrack. (Following online
protests, apparently, MSNBC yanked the tweet.)

Upon reading of this, I recalled that some years
ago, while studying America's small, despicable
hate group movement, I learned of an aging CA
neo-Nazi who'd coupled archival death camp
footage with a laugh track.                                                                                                                   

The obvious similarity leapt. As the wretched, ratings -
floundering MSNBC had handily shown, the fringe 
right does not have a monopoly on foul-characteredness.                                                                         

(Remember that an unethical producer with MSNBC's
parent, NBC, had "edited" an audio recording of 
George Zimmerman's 911 call to misrepresent his concern 
as racially-motivated.)                                                                                                                               

Do not expect MSNBC's anti-police Twitter circus to 
be criticized, or even acknowledged, by MSNBC's 
intellectually iffy 'journalists' Chris Matthew, Rachel 
Maddow, Al Sharpton, Chris Hayes, or Melissa Harris -



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