Friday, June 26, 2015

If Andy Borowitz doesn't think, does that mean he isn't? 
In a recent New Yorker essay ("Many in Nation Tired of Explaining Things to Idiots'), Andy Borowitz  illustrates the absurdity and irony of his very being.
Apparently having no actual inspiration, and with a deadline perhaps looming, he rush-cobbled a thankfully brief exercise combining nose-in-air elitist bigotry and lower-form name-heaving. The practical result is to effectively posit that rigorous intellectual debate in which differing arguments about serious matters are contrasted and assayed for merit are not necessary.
A sound case could be made that such presently voguish liberalism, elevating as it does feelings and self-centeredness over logic, reason, and regard for general good, is profoundly unintellectual. How foolish and sad, then, that its placard-hefting advocates fancy themselves thinkers of high grade. They are merely feelers of little sense.
The single, flat note repeated in Borowitz's little writing here is his garbage-shoveling in each paragraph of demeaning terms for any and all ideological opponents. Any person who might disagree with Borowitz on, say, climate change or gun laws, regardless of their reason or opinion basis, is dismissed without consideration as an "idiot," "dolt," "stupid," or "moron."
It is the sort of desperate tactic one might be likely to hear cried out on a second grade playground. That it is heartily dished by a best-selling author speaks unflatteringly about the current humor level among the limousine liberals for whom Borowitz rhetorically pratfalls. (Yes, I get that the writer is indulging juvenileness for effect. But it is nonetheless pathetic.)
There is, too, an irony element. Andy Borowitz has simultaneously ridiculed and decried student loan debt. Which leads to the very real possibility that his Harvard merry-go-rounding was bankrolled by the very hard-working, tax-paying Americans he today derides as "idiots." 
Now, that's "thank you" for you.
PS. The internationally simpering Borowitz has yet to apologize for creating "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."


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